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~Warnings and Explanations~

~Possible Spoilers~

~Bad spelling and Grammar~

~This is based on a prompt I saw somewhere~

"Will... What did I tell you?" Jem asked Will. They were in the drawing room with Charlotte and Inquisitor Whitelaw. They had been called there because of something Will had been caught doing. "You told me not to..." Will responded, recalling the conversation Jem and he had earlier that day.

"Hey, James!"

"What do you need, Will?"

"Gabriel invited me to go somewhere this afternoon... Okay, well more like Cecily forced both of us to do this for 'bonding time' in hopes we'd get along. But I don't want to be alone with the Lightworm. If I am, I'll throw him into the river."

"Will, I can't go if this is your sister's way of making you and Gabriel get along. However, Do NOT throw Gabriel into the river!"

"That's right. I told you not to! But what did you do?" Jem asked, snapping Will's attention back to the present. "I did the opposite..."

Charlotte interrupted their small "argument" they were having to ask what it was Will did. "Well, I stumbled upon-" Whitelaw started to explain how he had found Gabriel. Dripping wet, trudging out of the river, cursing Will up and down. However, he was interrupted by Cecily busting into the room. She did not look happy. "Will! I ask one simple thing from you! And you throw Gabriel into the river. Can't you do anything without arguing with him?!"

"Arguing? Cecily, arguing involves words. I highly doubt there was a word exchanged between Will and Gabriel before Will threw him into the water."

Cecily looked at Jem and then to Will. "You're acting as if that makes what he did better." Jem shook his head. "It doesn't but it's Will. It's most likely what happened."

"He's right, it is what happened," Will admitted. He wasn't proud of it but, he had just chucked Gabriel into the river without a reason. Well, a reason that Gabriel himself had caused. He did it because his sister was forcing him to do things and he didn't want to. Then again, neither had Gabriel so it wasn't fair but, that's what he did none the less.

Cecily groaned. "Will! You can't just throw people into rivers without a reason! It's-"

"He can't go throwing people into rivers at all!" Charlotte yelled. "He could've died! Will you need to stop with all this nonsense! I mean seriously! You're seventeen you-"

"Are you implying it's alright for people under the age of seventeen to throw people into rivers?" Cecily asked, interrupting Charlotte. "I guess what that sounds like but it's no-"

"Fantastic!" Cecily grabbed her brother and vanished.

"What have I done..."

"You have doomed Will. She is going to go toss him into the water. However... Unlike Gabriel... Will won't swim to the edge and climb out." Jem sighed and walked out of the room to go follow the Herondale siblings so he could drag Will back out of the river before he decides it would be an adventure to see where it leads to.

"And you want him to run the institute next?"

"Yes, unlike right now he actually does think things through... I hope..."

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