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~Warnings and Explanations~
~Bad Spelling And Grammar~
~No spoilers!~
~I used the following Prompt (I cant remember where it's from so if you know, please inform me so I credit the person who made it. AGAIN PROMPT ISN'T MY CREATION~
~This is a bit old now but I hope you enjoy anyway
~Also I know it's not Halloween but I meant to publish this then and forgot so here you go
"I'm not the only one with blood on my hands!"
"But you're the only one with actual blood on your hands!"

October, it's a nice month, but Magnus didn't like how hectic it was. All the mundanes dresses as Vampires, Werewolves, and other down world creatures caused a lot of problems this time of year. Honestly, if everyone didn't get so offended it would probably be fine, but alas, they do and trouble starts.

One year, Magnus had to pull some highly offended Werewolves off of a mundane because they were pretending to kill each other with silver. It was understandable for why the wolves were mad, but the mundanes didn't know any better.

This year, however, Magnus has decided it would be best to stay at home and avoid the chaos. The month had already resulted in multiple casualties and it wasn't even Halloween yet. Alec had called him saying some of the vampires had "killed Count Dracula because he said 'bleh bleh bleh'" to them.

Now, Alec was just as determined as Magnus to avoid the chaos that was happening outside.

"You know," Magnus started, interrupting his own thoughts noticing Alec at the coffee machine. "That's like your 50th cup of coffee. You're going to die of a caffeine overdose."

"I will not! It's only my 10th cup, don't over exaggerate." Alec responded, taking a giant drink of his coffee. Magnus sighed, "why don't you just get drunk? That's what normal people do when they're drinking something for stress."

"No thanks. I'd rather not be a slobbering fool if I get called for patrol."

"But a caffeinated fool is okay?"


"If you insist."

Magnus was just about to ask if Alec wanted to watch something on TV when he heard pounding on the door.

"Bane! Open the door!" Raphael called from behind it. Magnus stood up and walked to the door while looking at Alec with a confused look. Raphael was the only vampire that Magnus trusted not to kill a mundane just for doing insulting gestures, so the slight panic in his voice worried him.


"I'm coming!"

Magnus opened the door to see Raphael covered in blood. Before Magnus could say anything, Raphael shoved him out of the way and rushed into the apartment and locked the door. "I hate October."

"I'm starting to have the same feeling." Alec said finishing off his "10th" cup of coffee.

Before Raphael could make a response, Magnus decided asking about the blood would be good. He did NOT want his white couch to be stained with blood. "Why are you here? And covered in blood?!"

"I was trying to eat! Do you know how hard it is to actually feed in October? Some stupid mundanes snuck up on me, and before you comment on my super hearing-I was at my limit for food, so they startled me and I accidentally killed the guy."

"You killed someone?!" Alec half screamed, dropping his coffee cup on the floor and it shattered. "So much for my rug." Magnus thought as he used magic to clean up the mess. "Everyone has blood on their hands, Alec. You've killed people! I know you have."

"But you're the only one covered in actual blood." Magnus stressed as Raphael tried to sit down on the couch. "And that still doesn't explain why you're here."

"Oh, right. Well, these mundanes are nuts. They came after me screaming about a "real vampire". It caught a few people's attention and soon enough a mob was after me. Like October! The one time of year where people actually pay attention to crap like that! I got away, since you know, vampire speed. But Dios, this is getting frustrating."

When Raphael finished his rant, Alec had officially given up on trying to calm his stress with coffee and was drinking straight out of a bottle of whine that had been on Magnus's kitchen counter. "That's it, I quit." He said as he laid down on the floor. "Death can take me. I won't survive October."

"I've been saying that for centuries," Magnus told him while trying to pry the bottle out of his hands. He knew he had told him to get drunk, but he was starting to regret that decision. "Raphael," Magnus said without looking up from his "dying" boyfriend on the ground. "Sit on my white couch with that blood all over you and I will throw you out into the streets yelling "vampire"."

"Dios, you don't have to be rude about it," Raphael said, putting his hands in the air and going to change. "Oh, by the way," Raphael started, "I don't think you're going to get that bottle away from him."

"You want to-" before Magnus could finish his sentence he crashed into the TV set because Alec let go of the bottle. "Now Alexander, that's not very nice."

"Maybe, but it sure was funny." Raphael said while wheezing from behind the couch.

"Is October over yet?" Magnus groaned, taking a drink from the bottle himself.

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