Descriptive Writing Task

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Written August 7th 2018

A/N Given an image and had to write a paragraph describing the image and sort of coming up with a scenario based off of the image. I only had 5 minutes so it's pretty crappy

The train had just left the station, zooming by. Lydia was a mess, her hair was wet and in tangles, her luggage scattered across the damp pavement beside her. Her previous rush of energy in a panic to catch the slowly ebbed away. The rain poured around her quickly sliding down her black umbrella. 

That was the last train to her mother's home town. Lydia was devastated all she could do was stare dejectedly at the deserted train tracks. By tomorrow Lydia's mother would have taken her final breath. She would never feel the warmth and comfort of her mother's embrace again. 

Lydia had broken her promise. 

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