At the grocery store

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Ok so on a group message I asked ," What crazy things do you guys do at the grocery store" Here are the responses.

Me : I like to dance around in the aisles.

Miranda : I like to ride on the buggies.

Caylee : I push the cart forwards and ride on it. I hit things a lot.

Grayson : I spin the buggies round and round until I hit the shelves and when a worker sees me I run.

Caylee : I grad things across the store and scream then skip and sing.

Holly (me) : Some times I just push the buggy and let it steer itself it normally runs into something.

Lauryn : I fall in front of people "accidentally"

Miranda : I scan things excluding my self.

Caylee : If I'm at walmart I go by the things where you listen to a song from an album, and I'll go near the people I know won't be able to control it, and I turn it on the most annoying-looking one on the thing.

Holly : I get in the buggy while my moms not looking just to annoy her.

Caylee : I secretly put poptarts into the shopping cart when my parents say I can't have them because they're too addicting for my own good.

Lauryn : I just act plain out stupid.

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