Momoko has 2 Koura has 1

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Me: hi everyone im back and ready to go sorry for the long wait had a very bad writers bloke but im here now. Love: Hey everyone guess who is back so we can finally see how many Momoko and Koura have. everyone comes runny. Brick: Well its about time you came back my girl is still out cold and butch is still going craze cause he does not know were he's is. Me: Oh she is fine don't worry by the way where is Bloodie?? Cute: Well sis we had to put him in a room were he can only hurt himself because you was not here and all so yea. Me: That makes since well any ways Love how about you do the disclamer since you came in here first. Love: I had to come in here first next time Cute you are coming in first. Ok Rose does not own the ppgz or the rrbz but she does own herself, Cute, Me, Bloodie, Brock, Bliss, and Big Bro John. Me: And with that on with the story.

Rose/Me pov: Ok so I can see that you only have one Koura. Koura?? I looked at her to see that she is out cold. So I take her back to were the others are. Ok where are Rose and my girl?? Butch said. Right behind you Butch and she is fine. I said. See I told you they will be back real soon since Koura only screamed for an hour. Cute said to everyone. Ok so that means that im up next. Miyako ask. Will yes that does mean you are up next but I need to rest because doing 2 at a time takes a lot of energy out of me and if I did you Miyako then it will hurt you a lot more then it did for Momoko. I said to everyone that is in the room. Well that is good know because I don't want my girl to get hurt. Boomer said. That's when we all heard Momoko make a noise so we all looked over to her.

Momoko's pov: I was hearing everyone talk and then I started move around and making some noises that I think everyone stop what they were talking about and looked at me and that is when I open my eyes to see everyone looking at me. Um hi. I said to everyone. Your ok thank good needs. Brick said as he hugged me. OK now that Momoko is up and everything but my guess we have to want for Koura to be up in order to know how many they have right. Brick said to everyone but mostly to Rose. Well yes that is right cause I do believe that Koura want to know what Momoko has and she wants to know what she has to. Rose said to everyone. And after that Koura started to make a lot of noises.

Koura's pov: Ok so here I am trying to sleep but cant because everyone keeps talking and then they start to talk about me so that kind of start to wake me up and once I open my eyes I was hugged by my boyfriend Butch real fast that I had no time to react. Ok so hi to you guys and Butch you can stop hugging me now. I said everyone and to Butch. So ok now that im up and everything I would like to know what I have but something me that you didn't to Miyako yet. Right Rose?? I said. Well that is true but I can tell you guys how many you do have. Rose said Oh I do want to know how many they have Please Rose can you tell us PLEASE!!!! Miyako said to us all. Well ok I'll tell you all how many Momoko and Koura have. Rose said to us. Oh wait a min Im going to go get my camera and film this. Cute said as she zoom really fast then came back in no time but out of breath.

Cute's pov: Ok so I went and got my camera and started flim what my sister is going to say. Ok go on and tell them how many have. I said to my sister. Ok then well any ways Momoko you have 2 elements and Koura you only have 1 and ones I do Miyako I will find out if she had any or not and then ill tell you what your guys elements is then and don't worry you all will love your elements and yes I do believe that Miyako has an elements to. Rose said to us. Ok are you well rested Rose where you can see if Miyako has one or not. Love ask Rose. No she not Love I can since that she is still tired. I said to Love. That is true but im getting there a few more mins and I will see if Miyako has one or not. Rose said to us all.

Me: And im going to stop right there. Bloodie: ROSE!!!!! " He tackle me to the ground." Cute: Hey Bloodie get off of her she does need to breath so she can keep writing this story. Bloodie: Ok im getting off of my girlfriend who by the way I have not seen in who know how long. Rose: Sorry about that Bloodie but any ways we will see you guys on an other chapter and I will try and get to it if I don't have writers block so good bye everyone and the guys said good bye to.

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