When good turns bad

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Everything was going so good it was making me feel as if I knew what love really was. So second day , everyone was getting dressed trynna decide where they wanted to go today well of course we was going separate ways he was hanging with the guys I was hanging with my girls. My girls and I decide we wanted to go to the movies while they go to a party but we couldn't decide on a movie so we said we'll just go to the party I asked my bestfriend which is his mans to take us so Dj asked what party you going to ? I'm like royalty he started acting funny so whole time I'm thinking like it must be somebody he trynna see or he just don't want me there. So my bestfriend takes all of us to the party , we enter the party we all go our separate ways the party was a outgoing hype type of party so we dancing ,laughing , and eating. I wasn't really trynna look at Dj because I didn't want to get mad if he was doing something I didn't like but my bestfriend like look at Dj he talking to a girl so I glanced a lil I really wasn't trynna look but I said I was gone remember the girl face. My friends and I left a Lil early to get some food and to head home we stopped at McDonald's got our stuff and went to my house. The boys was coming a lil later so I put my pajamas on , eating and me and Sharla started rapping we were just killing time for them to get there so my sister knocked on the door and asked did we wanna come around the Corner and drink for awhile me and my friends said yeah so we go over there , goes up the stairs and went into her big brother room and guess who I see yeah that's right Dj and his friends I also saw girls sitting next to him he was trynna talk to one of the girls. He didn't see me standing right there so once he glanced at me  in tried to move over and lay down so I'm looking trynna play cool so I finish drinking having fun I went home cause I was tired and they al followed me but before we leave Dj throws up so it took him a little while to get there, we all was chilling and somehow we fell asleep,But things start to heat up.

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