When you all alone

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As that week went by ..... Dj showed his true colors. That next week i decided to go back
Over Kya cousin house, lol it sound weird don't it but aye the girl was fun and didn't do nun to me and also I had a crush on her. So that day me and my friends was over there and I was still thinking about the baby and everything that happened, my friend told me that Dj was coming over to see her so I started crying because wow you can take the time out your day to see her but can't make sure I was good about the baby that really hurt me , I started walking to the corner and walking around cause I kept crying so Dj finally pulled up to her house , I went inside of the house and sat down talking to my friend ruzzy and telling her how I feel so Dj walked in the house and we both eyed eachother then Dj went in the basement so my friends told Dj that he was wrong for not making sure I'm ok so that's when I realize that he care more about her than me so I went home cause I was embarrassed how he made me look to everybody else as if I was just some crazy bitch that threw him under the bus but in reality was a a heartbroken girl that accepted a lot of shit literally. That night I was in my bed I started texting Dj and my brothers telling them how wrong they was and that they just didn't give af about me in the situation so I called my friends and told them what happened and they was like wow that's bold Fuck him and that I didn't need to be treated like that because I'm a strong and beautiful young lady also that I deserve better. So I thought to myself like you got this and everything don't need a reaction .... next

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