Chapter 9: Overstepping Boundaries

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Four and I entered the cafeteria together. The cafeteria was way busier than when I was last here. People were talking, laughing and playing around. I looked around, trying to spot my friends amongst the crowd but found that my height made it a little hard. 

I stood up on my tip toes, trying to see around some very tall Dauntless boys when a hand pressed against my back and I almost last my balance. Another hand pressed against my stomach to keep me from falling and I whipped around to see my slightly alarmed trainer looking down at me with a look of both amusement and concern.

"I was just trying to point out to you that Michael and Galen are over there," he said removing his hands from me and gesturing to the spot where the two were sitting, "I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's fine," I said, trying to ignore the odd kind of flip my stomach just did when he touched me, "It's just...." My voice trailed off as I tried to find a way to word my reasoning without sounding weird.

"You're from Abnegation and they aren't very fond of touching," he said knowingly, "I get it."

I nodded but didn't say anything. He said it like he knows firsthand about the way the Abnegation act. I looked at him curiously. Did he transfer into Dauntless or was he Dauntless-born? He was quite tame for being in the Dauntless faction but even so, he seemed to be at ease here.

"Four?" I said, hesitating only slightly.

"Yes?" he said, looking me in the eyes. I stared back finding that I found his dark blue eyes to be somewhat familiar, though I had no idea why.

"What faction did you come from?"

I watched as his eyes seemed to darken and every emotion faded from his face. I had a feeling that he was used to putting this mask on because it seemed so easy for him to put it up.

"It doesn't matter which faction I came from," he said, his voice low, "What matters is that I'm in Dauntless."

"That implies that you did come from another faction," I said.

He closed his mouth with an audible click of his jaw. 

"Your friends are waiting for you," he said, his voice cold and emotionless, "You shouldn't keep them waiting." He turned away, walking straight out of the cafeteria.

I stood exactly where he left me, dumbfounded by his sudden mood change. Was it rude of me to ask which faction he came from? Most of the other Dauntless had no problems telling me which factions they came from. Why did he?

I turned to walk towards my friends, a million questions running through my head.

"You good, (y/n)?" Michael asked when I'd finally reached the table where they sat.

"Yeah," I said absently, waving them away. 

Galen slid a tray over to me. "Sit down and eat," he said, leaning over his own food again, "You'll need your strength for today."

"Ok, Mom," I said, sliding the tray closer to me.

Michael snorted into his coffee. Galen shook his head, ignoring my comment. I reached over and ruffled his hair, earning a snort from him. 

"Try all you like. My hair will look fabulous anyway," he said. I didn't tell him that it was true even though Michael and I were both thinking it. I wasn't trying to inflate his ego any more than it already was.

~time skip~

When we arrived in the training room, we found Four adjusting punching bags. I tried to see if he would meet my eyes but he seemed to be avoiding my gaze. Sighing, I made my way to the punching bag in between Michael and Galen.

The sound of fists pounding against leather filled the room. Four made his rounds, adjusting people's stances and giving little tips here and there. When he made it to Galen and me, he nodded his approval and kept moving. Upon reaching Michael, he adjusted his stance and showed him how to keep his elbows up and slightly tucked in.

It went on like this until lunchtime. By then, we were all sweaty, tired, and hungry. Four dismissed us like usual and everyone began making their way to the cafeteria.

"Are you coming, (y/n)?" Michael asked when he noticed I hadn't moved.

"Go on without me," I said, waving them away, "I'll catch up. I promise." I grinned reassuringly in their direction. Michael left without a second glance at me. Galen, however, looked at me questioningly. I looked at him until he shook his head and followed behind Michael.

I turned my back to the door and faced the rest of the training room. Four stood at one of the punching bags, adjusting it. 

Walking up behind him, I cleared my throat. "Four?" I saw the muscles in his back tense through his shirt but he didn't turn around immediately.

When he finally turned around, I noticed his eyes were cold and emotionless again.

"Four," I repeated, "I just wanted to apologize for earlier."

His brow furrowed slightly in confusion, "Apologize for what?"

His deep voice sent chills up my spine, but I ignored it. "I wanted to apologize for overstepping my boundaries earlier and asking you a question that seemed to bother you," I said quietly.

I watched as his emotionless mask broke and surprise was clearly displayed on his face for a moment. 

He put up his mask again before saying, "It's fine, really. I'm just a little uncomfortable with any conversation about my past."

I laughed a little bit, "A little?"

He made a face at me and I giggled again. 

He shook his head and made to move past me. "You're probably hungry. You should head down to the cafeteria. I'm sure your friends are waiting for you too." I nodded and left, leaving him by himself in the training room.

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