Preparing Myself

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This one's dedicated to Nicole_starbucks. Happy birthday, you prick!


Careful and quiet,
These are the qualities that you,
DON'T have.
But it's okay.
Don't change it.
Because without you,
I'm boring.
Without you,
All I'd do is sudoku and crosswords.
Without you,
I'd never leave my comfort zone.
Without you,
Our group would be lost.

And so I'm preparing myself,
For the day when you leave.
I'm preparing myself,
For the day someone breaks you heart.
I'm preparing myself,
For the day that you need me.
And I'm preparing myself...
For your 21st birthday.
When I know you won't be able to drive yourself home.
I'm preparing,
To highlight your victories,
Push you to do well,
To share the weight of your sorrows,
To fight the bastard who leaves you,
And hug the asshole who keeps,
(Though no one's good enough for you.)
To love the child you bear,
To help you study,
To aid you however I can,
And I'm preparing myself for all these things because:
1. No one knows your future.
2. You're crazy.
3. I love you.

Happy Birthday!

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