You're an idiot, but I like you anyway

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You followed your brother, squeezing your tiny body in between the stacks and stacks of sweaty men, that were shouting and chanting as you made your way to what you hoped were your seats. "I don't know why you braht me, Jack." you huffed as you sat in the seat he was pointing to.

"Because I had a spare ticket and you're in town. What would you rather me have done, left you back at mine?" he frowned at me.

You nodded. "Uh-huh." you folded your arms over your chest with a pout. "I don't know what you're meant to do at a baseball-"

"Football, Y/N, how many more times? Foot...ball." Jack huffed in frustration. "And, you don't do anything. You just sit, watch, drink beer and cheer." he explained. "You'll love, I swear."

You shook your head. "How can I enjoy something when, I don't even know who the heck to cheer for?" you asked.

"Patriots!" the guy next to you grinned. You raised your eyebrow at him, completely lost as to what a 'Patriot' was. "M'sorry, I couldn't help but overhear." he smiled softly at you.

You nodded glancing round to Jack, only finding him no longer paying attention to you. So, you turned back to the rather handsome 'stranger'. "Patriots?" you questioned. He nodded grinning at you. "And, that is?" you shrugged.

He raised his arm, pointing to the team in blue. "The greatest team, alive." he grinned turning his attention back to you.

You nodded, smiling. "Why, do I have to support them? Aren't both teams the same-" he cover your mouth with his hand, hushing you with his other.

He looked around quickly before speaking. "Don't say that too loud, or you'll start a riot." he teased after removing his hand. "And besides, it's the rules to support Patriots if you're in Boston and not from around here." he smiled again. You couldn't help but think how beautiful his smile was.

You nodded smiling. "Oh, the rules... and, who says so?" you challenged him with your own smirk.

He chuckled as he held his hand out to you. "Chris Evans." you shook his hand and introduced yourself all the time smiling. "So, Y/N, why are you here in Boston if not to see the best football team around, play?" Chris asked as he looked down to the field where the game had started.

"Visitin' my brother." you smiled as you gestured to Jack before looking back down to the game.

"Visiting from where?" Chris asked as he took a quick glance your way. A small smile crept onto his face when he saw you watching the game.

"Dallas, Texas." you answered briefly. To be honest you were kinda enjoying it. Mostly for the sweaty men in tight pants that were running around.

"Wow, you're a long way from home." he stated.

You nodded. "Oh, believe me darlin', I know." you glanced at him with a small grin. As 'your' team scored a touchdown you jumped up along with Jack and Chris cheering. "So, what are you doing here?" you asked him.

"I live here." he chuckled. You turned your head giving him a knowing look. "You know, who I am, don't you?"

You nodded biting your lip. "A little. Don't worry, I'm not a crazed fan, to be honest... I'm more a Hemsworth, fan." you teased with a wink, turning your attention back to the game. Chris just laughed it off, hoping that wasn't entirely true.

As time passed you'd gotten a little bored of trying to make sense of everything so you returned to your phone. "You know, for a Patriots fan, you don't seem to enjoy seeing your team winning." Chris leaned over into you.

You looked up from your phone shrugging. "No idea what's goin' on."

"Well, maybe if you weren't on your phone, you would." he smirked.

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