The Tremor of the Citadel

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 The citadel was a dark metal, with blue lighting. The dropship carried us all to the base, because the top had anti-aircraft turrets. If we landed on the top, we'd all be destroyed. We all jumped off as the dropship flew away. We all took out our guns, sneaking around. Some CPU, Townguards, and Human Guards were chatting.

"I still can't see why the pizza guy never delivers to us." the first one said.

"That's because you won't call the engineers to fix your phone!" the second one said.

"It's still working!"

"No it isn't! It's been broken for a month!"

"What do you mean? It worked when I called Dr. Maxwell last night!"

"That's because I called him with my phone."

"Then why don't you call the pizza guy on your phone?"

"You never gave me his phone number!"

"Well you're supposed to know!"

"HOW WILL I KNOW IF NOBODY TELLS ME?" I peeked around the corner and shot one of them. I ran away after that, dropped a trip mine, then kept running. The second one searched the corner where it came from and blew up to the trip mine. Some CPU were alerted by the bomb going off, but didn't see anything. I put my ear up to a corner and overheard a conversation.

"Jack should be here right now..." the first one said

"Jack can't be dead, he's far too strong." the second one said.

"We've radioed him, called him, even E-Mail and commented on one of his YouTube videos..."

"He's gotta be dead. Let's just check his life source."

Long pause.

"He's... Dead?"

"Sadly... Yes."

"Oh no..." I started to feel bad for them. Jack must've been their role model, and I cracked their skull in two. I dropped a grenade around the corner, and they both blew up. All the CPU came running towards us. "Alright, move over there Phoenix Marines! Mason, you flank them with Varia. Benton, you search around for anything like grenades to throw at them!" I yelled to my comrades. They all did what they were told. Benton found a rocket launcher and knocked down a CPU light source onto their heads. Mason and Varia flanked them, and the Phoenix Marines prevented them from escaping. I shot one of them with a shotgun. They were knocked out. They all evacuated to a small turret room. Maddie threw a grenade in there, and they all came out. We all fired at them, killing them all. We took an elevator to the next floor. There was a large group of CPU, Townguards, and Human Guard ready for us. "Toss a grenade in the center of them. They'll run out, then we can spread them out and take them down!" I said. Maddie threw a grenade in the center, and they all spread apart. I ran towards one spread group and hit them all with my wrench. The other spread groups were being assaulted by Mason, Varia, Benton, and Maddie. The Phoenix Marines were tackling a different group. I joined the Phoenix Marines because they were being overpowered. I threw my wrench at one of them, then shot the other with my shotgun. The Phoenix Marines took care of the rest of them. "Darci, heal the wounded. I'll go off and try and find Dr. Maxwell." I said.

"We'll try and meet up with you once I'm done." Darci said.

"Alright. If I find him, I'll radio you to my location." I went off in search for Dr. Maxwell. I was near the top of the core. I saw Dr. Maxwell in the middle of the large room.

"Look who's here. The so called 'Free One'. You know, I've always waited for this very moment. You're alone, Luke. Completely alone. I have an army of many. The CPU will destroy you." He pressed a button that put a shield around him. "Now you can't hurt me!" Time stopped for a second.

"You aren't alone, Free One. The crisis of your life will begin now... All you must do... Is prepare. There isn't much you can do other than that."

Time started again, and I grabbed my gun. Hordes of CPU appeared from every direction. I was firing at them, but I was being overpowered. I pulled out my C.R.S.D, but somebody shot it, and it exploded. I picked it up some of the pieces, and it reformed itself. I noticed it was glowing bright orange. I pulled back the lever on the left, and about seven of the CPU fell over and were being dragged towards me by the force. "Impossible! But that's not good enough to stop me!" He was rising up in his shield. "I'll get to the top of the tower before you, and when I do, this entire place will be overrun by the CPU!"

"Not if we can help it!" Maddie appeared and began firing at all of the CPU. The rest of the team was, too. Half of the CPU were completely eradicated. I continued to pull them closer with my Counter Resonant Singularity Device. I launched one back into the crowd, knocking them over like bowling pins. "Darci and Hatchet, you protect us from behind. Maddie, come up to the front with me. The rest of you will be escorted to the top by Benton." I yelled. They all got to positions and we ran to the top of the citadel. "There's the core... If we blow it up, Maxwell's shield will be destroyed and we can kill him." Maddie said.

"I'm afraid we might not have enough—" Time stopped again.

"Time, Doctor? This was the moment you were waiting for. You've saved them all. My superiors are congratulating you right now. Your suit will survive this explosion. I'm afraid your comrades might not."

"What do you mean?" I asked the mysterious figure.

"They might not survive."

"Are you saying they'll die?"

"Not at all. All I can tell you now... is prepare for unforeseen consequences."

"What do you—" Creatures appeared around the figure talking to me.

"Oh well. This is goodbye, I guess."

Time started again. We were all in a rebel outpost half destroyed by the Citadel explosion. The same creatures that appeared around the figure were healing my comrades. "Ah!"

"Do not be alarmed, Free One. You've saved us from the CPU."

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