Dr. Sheckley's Missile

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 "So you're telling me to add more powder?" Dr. Sheckley said.

"Yes. It's the only way to completely wipe out their vault." Dr. Garner answered.

"Then all the prisoners would die too."

"That's why we took out the radiation."

"We could still kill all of those prisoners."

"We could raid it, then Midori and his gang could escort them all."

"Why not Luke?"

"Luke could come. He's quite powerful, as long as he's got a gun in his hands."

"Well, we won't have enough time. The CPU are advancing here."

"We could go now. Midori's ready, and so is the rest of them."

"Oh, hello Luke. I've been waiting all day."

"Hello Dr. Sheckley. Hello, Dr. Garner." I said.

"We need you to join Midori on a mission to gather all the prisoners from the vault and bring them here. You're good at stealth, correct?" Dr. Sheckley said.

"Quite right. I believe I'll be able to gather them with Midori on my side."

"So that's a yes?"

"Mhm. Where's Midori?"

"Back helping Uriah at the lab. That one advisor. You'll know him when you see him."

"Alright, Sheckley. See you soon."

"Bye Doc."

I walked off to the lab.

"Greetings, Free One. I see you've come for Midori?" Uriah said.

"Quite right. We're taking the prisoners from the CPU vault."

"Ah, Yes. Midori is back at the supplies closet."

"Thanks, Uriah. I'll see you soon." I walked off to the supplies closet to see Midori with a bunch of wires and gears in his hands.

"Oh, 'ey Doc. How's it goin'?" Midori said.

"Hello, Midori. Dr. Sheckley said we had to go to the vault to gather some of the prisoners."

"Le'mme guess, he's finally sendin' those bombs, 'aight?"

"Mhm. We need to get them out so that they don't die in the explosion."

"A'ight, Doc. Gotta call up Crims'n an' the rest of 'em."

"Alright. I'll be at the PM-APC ready for you."


I walked over to the PM-APC, a specialized Phoenix Marine tank, and saw some of Midori's crew hanging around by it.

"So what's Dr. Luke gotta do with this, Inferno?" One of them said. I assumed it was Crimson.

"Everything. He's leading us up to the vault to gather the prisoners." the other one said, who was apparently Inferno.

"Crims, we can't just go in and expect the prisoners to come to us, so don't try and yell as loud as you can." the third one said.

"Hey, Ici! That was one time!" Crimson said, slapping Ici. He ducked in time.

"Heh, yeah right." Ici said. Crimson tried kicking him, but he dodged in time.

"Enough fighting! Doc's here!" Inferno said. They both stopped and looked straight at him.

"Hello, Dr. Luke. You ready yet?" Ici said.

"Oh, Hey Doc. Midori's coming." Crimson said.

"I know, I talked to him on the way." I said.

"Oh, 'ey Guys! Didn't know you'd come so fast." Midori said, appearing from the corner.

"Alright guys, get in the tank. We're raiding the vault." I said. They all jumped into the tank, with Midori in the driver's seat. He began driving.

"A'ight guys, come 'nto 'e vault. Somm'a 'em guards ov'r at 'e door. 'Nyone ready?" Midori said, quietly.

"I got the guards." Ici said, throwing a grenade. The guards ran to the sides of the vault, but the grenade still killed them from it's sheer power. The door busted open.

"Did'ja really think that 'ne through, eh?"

"No, not really. But we don't have much time left. We have to get the prisoners.

"A'ight, the prisn'rs." We all ran straight towards the vault door, and there were many CPU right next to it, all firing straight at us. Midori was jumping off of all of the walls, and his gang followed. I was left charging and ducking straight to the horde, but then a large Synthetic-esque creature shoved all the CPU away. He took out his huge cannon and fired it straight at us all. Time stopped.

I'm sorry to interrupt you once more, but there's just one thing you must know. The battle earlier was not the battle I was talking about, and nor is it this one... It's the emotional battle inside... of what will happen soon.

Time started again with the large armored CPU on the ground with chipped armor and a half-destroyed railgun. The rest of the CPU were dead on the ground, and the entire front of the Vault was on fire.

"G'ddamnit, Ici! Y'got 'e 'ntire Vault on fire!" Midori said.

"Not all of it." Ici said, grabbing his extinguisher. He sprayed it over the fire, and we ran towards the Prison sector.

"I reck'n most've 'em are dead, don'cha think?" Midori said.

"Yeah, probably. We still have to get the remaining. Extra guns from the CPU wouldn't hurt, they might be able to help us. Yeah, we'll give them to the prisoners for defense." Inferno suggested.

"More of them are coming!" Crimson yelled. We fired at the horde, but they all took out their shields and blocked all of our bullets. Crimson and Inferno ran to each side of them and fired around them. Ici and Midori jumped over them and shot from behind. I was stuck shooting from the front. They all formed a defensive circle, but Midori threw a grenade inside of their circle, and they all spread out again, then they were all shot directly in the head from our guns.

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