The Aftermath

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 "You're one of those things from Xanos!"

"Yes... A Xanos resident. Known as the 'Xanian Advisor' by your kind."

"Then why aren't you attacking me after I took over your planet?"

"My kin do not hold grudges against any. We punished you enough for no reason by attacking you in your place. You were just defending yourself."

"So then you're healing my comrades?"

"Yes. We are a key part of the uprising. We stopped hordes of CPU coming to your location on Highway 14 and other situations. The ones that got past our defenses were the ones you fought."

"Thanks. Who's still alive?"

"Just you and Benton." I noticed there were rebels and other advisors. They were interacting like friends.

"Such a peaceful place."

"Agreed. But we must evacuate soon. The citadel's causing a sort of fallout, and if we don't leave within 3 days we'll be swallowed up by toxic radiation."

"Alright. After my comrades are healed, we're out of here. And fast. Is Laszlo here?"

"Yes. Laszlo is here."

"Does he have his VTOL still working?"

"It broke down in the last CPU fight. Some other advisors are helping him."

"Good. After that's done, we'll be free to leave."

"It won't be enough time. We'll have to travel another way."

"We'll get the Phoenix Marines to bring in a dropship."

"Phone them now. We must hurry."

I grabbed my portable radio that was detached from the Jeep. I heard the commander's voice on the radio.

"Hello, I would like a 6 inch sub-sandwich with American cheese and— Wait, this isn't Subway... Hey Luke! Where's Hatchet? He was supposed to deliver some important info." Tyrone, the commander, said.

"Being healed by the advisors." I answered.

"How'd he get hurt?"


"Explosion? Just a grenade explosion?"

"No, the Citadel core exploded."

"How'd he even survive?"

"He didn't. That's why the advisors are healing him."

"Hope he survives. Anyways, what did you need me for?"

"We need some dropships. We have to deliver everyone to Black Plains."

"Black Plains? That place is swarming with Synthetics!"

"So? We can use Sheckley's little explodey things."

"Dr. Sheckley's there?"

"He's the one who made the Black Plains base, of course he's there."

"Alright, Doc. We'll bring you there, with your friends. How many will you need?"

"As much as the sewer base needs."

"That'd take about 5 or 6, correct?"

"Yep. Bringing them there now."

I turned off the radio. The Phoenix Marines were coming. I heard footsteps above us.

"What's that?" I asked.

"That'd be the CPU. They're escaping, getting everything out of the citadel." the advisor healing my comrades said. I heard an explosion, then some cracking. "Oh no. I hear a Shark."

"A Shark? How can there be a Shark here?"

"It's digging through it's incubation pod." I started to hear loud ringing sounds, then my brain started hurting. Everyone was falling down in pain. The entire roof of the sewer collapsed, and there was a Shark floating above it. It floated over to Laszlo and grabbed him. "Let go of him!" I yelled, grabbing my shotgun. I shot at it, and it dropped Laszlo Then it went after me. It grabbed me, but I pulled out my wrench and slammed it into them so hard that they dropped me. It was angry. I ran after it with my wrench and slammed it into it again. It grabbed my wrench and threw it at me, but I dodged it. Everyone got out their guns and began firing at it. It was finally taken down, and now we had a giant dead Shark in our base.

The dropships arrived after all the CPU left. Everyone got on the dropships. We all got on the dropships. My dead comrades were on their own ship with the advisors healing them. The other advisors were on their own ship. I was on the ship in the front. "Black Plains, here we come!" I yelled.

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