The Prison Sector

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 The Prison block was a very rusty and old sector, whereas the other sectors were very clean. The doors were a simple CPU lock, which Midori had the key for. He opened the doors, and all the prisoners ran out. I passed them all guns as they passed by, and we protected them with our shields. More CPU came, and the prisoners kept running, even with their weapons. Some of the prisoners helped, but I ran with the running prisoners to keep them safe. They ran into a group of CPU on their way, and we all began shooting. My shield was protecting them all, and then Midori's gang came up and took care of the rest. The remaining prisoners kept running towards the vault exit, while we covered them from the back. We escaped the vault with all the prisoners still alive, but there were CPU-APC's driving our direction, preparing to shoot. Before they could shoot, Dr. Garner's robot, known as "D0G-375", jumped on an CPU-APC and ripped off it's top. It then began to violently pound it, killing any CPU driving it. It then began to take out a USB-like stick, and put it in the key slot of the CPU-APC, and began driving it. They began using full force of power to kill any CPU-APCs remaining. It drove with us on the way back, and when it came back, it smashed the CPU-APC so that the CPU couldn't retrieve it. When we looked inside the remains, we saw a large crystal-like object inside of it. I grabbed it and took it to Dr. Garner.

"Hello Dr. Luke. What's that right there?" Dr. Garner said.

"Something I found in a CPU-APC. It looks like some of those things from Xanos."

"Huh. Uriah might have something to do with that. Give it to him."

"Alright Doc." I said. Uriah's office was only a room away, so it was quite a short walk.

"Greetings, Free One. How may I be of service to you?" Uriah said as I entered.

"I need you to inspect this... thing I found from the CPU. It's definitely not CPU related, I can tell. Most likely something from Xanos, or maybe another borderworld." I answered.

"Ah, I see... I do not believe this is from Xanos or from Overwatch. This is most likely from Race-X."


"Yes, it's another borderworld just like Xanos or Overwatch."

"What's it all about?"

"It was invaded once by Xanos, then Overwatch took it noover, then they took over Xen. Xen then re-invaded Race-X, and it continued as a war that happened as the Seven Hour War was going on, and was considered part of it as it ended and started at the same time."

"So what does this all add up?"

"Right now, the CPU and Overwatch citizens are invading Race-X. Xanos and Race-X have been at peace since the Seven Hour War ended, and we might be able to get some assistance from there. This could end all of the oppression that the CPU give us, and finally infinite peace."

"Perfect. But what's the crystal for?"

"This is a rare metal from Race-X that was used in your DES. It can power it to max with a single drop of it melted. It can also be used to create a portal to Race-X."

"So it's technically not a crystal?"

"Quite correct."

"We need to get there fast."

"There is more than just the CPU invading it. There's also the Demons and Survivors. They are much more powerful than the CPU. The Survivors are creatures similar to the CPU, but still human, just like the Townguard or Human Guard, whereas CPU are transhuman. The Demons are much like the Survivors, but transhuman. Seventeen times more powerful armor than a Townguard, and a twelve times more powerful gun than them. Race-X is very powerful, and they can handle them, but if we take away their magical beasts known as the 'Gargantua', they won't survive very long. We will just take simple beasts such as the Bullsquids and Nightchargers."

"So you're telling me I have to go to this planet, save some random creatures I don't know, with the extreme chance of complete obliteration, and actually expect them to help me?"

"That is correct."

"You're insane..."

"No, no I am not. Midori and his gang will help you."

"Still pretty insane."

"You've seen Midori's crew in combat, correct?"

"Yeah. But Ici almost got killed."

"That was not their true power. They have very powerful weaponry, extremely powerful armor, and quick mind and feet. This is taken from the Survivors, and you yourself have some armor scavenged from the Demons and Survivors."

"Fine. I'll go, but don't expect me to live."

"I shall open up the portal soon. Gather Midori's crew, and some Phoenix Marines."

"A crew of Hatchet, Melissa, Darci, me, Midori, Ici, Crimson, and Inferno?"

"Correct. I will start the portal."

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