mall meetings

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  walking in the mall   all bye myself cuz ima  loner  ( author, me to nigga me to ) 

 i walked into gucci seeing alot of people , girl boys all genders ( author note/ dont  come for me lgbtq )i went and walked right passed  the crowed and grabbed a few shirts looking at it a guard came and tapped me on my sholder  

 gaurd; excuse me you need to leave 

 me; why  all im am doing is shopping i aint bothering anyone 

guard; i understand that but you still need to leave .

 me; i leave if you tell me why 

 guard; uggh mr nahmir is shopping and we cant have some groopie , who is pretending to be a shopper  bothering him 

 me; nigga ion even know nor do i give a flying fuck who that is he or she is just a person  that alot of people know he not important and ion got to leave so get out my bubble and leave me alone please and thank  you  

 someone walked up with dreads and a white shirt he was cute but ion realy care  he walked up and smirked at me , i guess he  saw me  me looking at him , 

 ????; yo whats happnin   leave the girl alone . my bad ma they just trying to do they job 

 me; it coo 

 the guard walked away with a mad expression .

 ???: so whats yo name 

 me; boy ion know you  , why would i tell you my name 

 ???? ; damn ma all im tryna do is make conversation  no need to get mad  and shi 

me; my bad , but ion like tellin people my name , so i cant tell you 

???; what are you wanted or something 

 me; maybe i am maybe im not , lets just say alot of people know me . 

 ???; oh yeah , you famous or something 

me; ( does ion know sound ) maybe . but i gotta go 

 just when i said that we heard alot of screeming  girls were running towards us 

 ??; sorry these are my fans 

 me; yeah okay 

the girls ran up to us , screaming my rap name 

 rg= random girl ==// rn=rap name


ME;  yeah  sure 

 we took pictures and then they left  i looked at the person who thought MY fan's was his and he had a shocked expression  on his face .

me ; lol what 

 ??;   your , y-your y-your  your rn 

 me; yeah 

 ?? ; damn i been talking to the most talented rapper and i  aint even know damn 

 me; and you are  

??? im YBN nahmir 

 me; oh well nice to meet you  

 and thats how me and ybn nahmir started dating and four yeas later  we got married and eight years later  we had you  marihya  . i told my  4 year old daughter  marihya 

 mariyah ; mommy how are babies made  

 me; go ask ya daddy 

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