Chapter Five

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     "Uh, yes, that is my name," _____ said.

"Well, _____," Jack said, slightly bowing, "care for a dance?"

Before _____ could respond, Jack took her hand in his white gloved one, pulling her to the middle of the large room. Suddenly, the piano started playing music by itself. Jack held up _____'s hand and twirled her, catching her by the waist as she came to face him again. She couldn't control herself as she put one hand on his shoulder and her other intertwined fingers with his. They started slowly moving side to side, then slowly spinning around, dancing across the room. _____ had never danced before, yet she acted like she was a pro. It felt like hours before Jack dipped her, noses millimeters apart.

From the angle that _____ was in, she could see the domed ceiling covered in paintings of people she recognized. They were her family. The paintings moved slowly as if they were in slow motion. She then realized what she had done and pulled away from Jack, falling on her rear.

"I-I'm sorry, Jack," _____ stammered, pushing herself up. "B-but I must go."

"No, you don't," Jack said. "You can stay here with me. We can live together and be happy!" He took _____'s hand in his again and gave it a sharp squeeze.

"W-what? I can't! I have a family to look after!" She tried to pull her hand free but Jack wouldn't let her. "P-please! I have to go!"

"You're not going anywhere without me, dear. You can't leave me. I love you." Jack then leaned in and pressed his lips on _____'s earning a gasp from her.

_____ gasped, bolting up. Her hands shook, her breathing sharp.

'What was that?' She thought to herself.

_____ looked around the room she woke up in. It was not as bright, big, or clean as the one in her dream. It was a small, simple bedroom, yet it was not her own. She pushed off the covers and swung her legs over the side of the bed. When, she got off the bed, she stepped on something soft. It was a pair of slippers, though they weren't a match. One was a bunny slipper and the other was a plain black one. _____ also saw that she was wearing the same thing she did when she went to sleep, though her coat, hat, and boots were at the foot of the bed.

_____ didn't want to wear the slippers, afraid of where they had been. But once her foot touched the floor, she immediately recoiled. The floor was freezing cold, even with her socks on. Instead of the slippers, she took her boots and slipped them on, then getting cozy in her coat. She didn't think she would need her hat.

Once _____ was about to grab the doorknob, the door flew open, knocking her on the ground.

"Ow," _____ whined as she rubbed the small of her back.

She looked up and immediately started to scramble back. In the doorway was the giant jester that had cuddled with _____ multiple times, not to mention that she fell asleep in its arms. The worm-like monster crawled over to her, causing her to quickly stand up and back away. The monster took notice of her fear and stopped moving. It then just stared at her.

A pair of elves then appeared behind the monster, speaking in the different language. The monster turned and responded in the same language. They exchanged words _____ could not recall at all. The elves seemed to be getting mad and yelled at the beast, causing it to screech at them, scaring them. The elves then quickly walked away, leaving her with the giant jester once again.

The monster then crawled toward _____, causing her to back away. But not before long her back hit the wall, preventing her from moving. Once the monster was close enough, it reached behind her leg and poked right where her leg bent behind her knee. She let out a yelp and fell to the ground once again. When she saw that the monster was very close to her, _____ pushed its oversized head away and covered her head with her arms as if she were trying to make a wall between the monster's head and her own.

"P-please! Leave me be!" She pleaded, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes.

The monster grabbed her arms gently but firmly, moving them so it could see her face. It made a sound like a whimper when it saw tears running down her fear filled face. It let go of her arms and gingerly wiped her tears with its gloved thumbs, the fabric absorbing the liquid. It then took her hand lovingly and brought the back of it to its closed mouth.

_____ blushed when she realized what the monster was doing. Even though the jester did not have any lips, it was still trying to kiss the back of her hand. But the monster could still bite her whole arm off with the multiple rows of sharp teeth. She pulled her hand away, wiping the back of it on her coat. The giant jester made another whimper-like sound and reached forward.

_____ covered her head with her arms once again, afraid of what the monster would do next. It surprised her when the beast gently wrapped its arms around her smaller form, pulling her in for a loving hug. _____ tried to push it away, but it refused to move unless she hugged it back. But she had no knowledge of that and kept her arms covering her head, curling into a little ball. The monster then sat up and scooped her in its arms once again. It then made the cooing noise it always made when she was in its arms and nuzzled its face in her neck once again. This time, its mouth opened the slightest bit and gently nibbled the skin on her neck.

_____ yelped and pushed herself out from the jester's grip. She backed up until her back hit the wall once again. The jester crawled toward her again, taking her face in its hands, moving its own face towards hers. She tried to pull its hands away, but they stay put. The monster's face was still slowly coming towards hers, making her very uncomfortable.

Just then, a shock wave was sent through _____'s body. It happened before she knew it. She never thought this was going to happen to her. She couldn't move under the monster's plastic lips on her plush ones. She couldn't think straight. All she knew was that her first kiss went to a giant, worm-like jester.

Soft snickers were heard behind the monster. It pulled away from _____ and turned around to see three mischievous gingerbread men laughing and pointing. One made obnoxious kissing noises, mocking the poor jester and _____. The monster was just about to lunge at them but the gingerbread men looked to the side and ran the other way. Krampus showed up from the side the gingerbread men looked.

"I see you have a liking for Klown," he said, walking in the room.

"W-what? No!" _____ stammered. "I-I just, well, he, uh..." She stood up, causing the so-called "Klown" back up.

Krampus said something to Klown in the different language and Klown looked down with a faint red hue on his cheeks. Krampus looked at _____, causing her to feel fear all over again.

"Dark Elves await you, _____," Krampus said. "They are growing impatient."

"O-oh, okay."

_____ started walking towards the doorway. Krampus moved to the side to let her out. Before she left, she looked over her shoulder at Klown. He stared right at her which caused her to blush. She turned back around and followed Krampus to where she needed to be.

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