Chapter Thirteen

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   (Short chapter! Sorry! Also, the elf on the left is Stekkjarstaur and the one on the right is Gluggugaegir!)

Stekkjarstaur was startled by loud pounding on his door. He groaned as he walked towards his door. The pounding never stopping, he placed his hand on the doorknob. Just about he turned the knob, he heard a familiar screech outside his door. It was Klown's screech. Stekkjarstaur backed away from the door, pretending he wasn't there.

Klown pounded on the door harder, making Stekkjarstaur think he was going to break the door down. Klown screeched again, this time opening the door himself. He lunged at the elf, tackling him to the ground. He pinned Stekkjarstaur's arms on the ground, preventing him from fighting back.

"Get off of me, you over sized maggot!" Stekkjarstaur yelled.

Klown screeched in his face, causing the elf to flinch.

"What, you think I did something? Ask _____! She always does something wrong every day!"

Klown got close to Stekkjarstaur's face, speaking in his dark, raspy voice, "do not dare speak of her like that."

"Oh, yeah?" Stekkjarstaur said. "Why can't I?"

"I know of your plans and I will do everything I can to stop you from touching my beloved," Klown growled, ignoring the elf's question.

"Y-your...Beloved? You are in love with that human?"

Klown stared angerly at the elf, making Stekkjarstaur uncomfortable. "I am indeed," he finally said.

Stekkjarstaur scrunched his face underneath his mask in disgust. "Ew."

Klown screeched again, his patience wearing thin. "I catch you placing a finger on her, your blood will be on my hands if it's the last thing I do. Understood?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Get off of me, worm!" Stekkjarstaur struggled in Klown's grip.

"Swear to it!" Klown ordered, screaming in the elf's face.

"Alright, alright! I swear! I swear on St. Nicholas' soul!" Stekkjarstaur frighteningly said.

Klown stared him down. He gave the Dark Elf's arms one last painful squeeze before getting off of him. He made his way to the door. He gave Stekkjarstaur one last death stare before exiting. The elf got up, rubbing his arms where Klown squeezed a bit too hard.

"I can not believe _____ fell for that clown," Stekkjarstaur said to himself.

"I heard that!" Klown called, causing Stekkjarstaur to groan.

_____ sat on her bed, her knees pulled up to her chest. She worried about Klown and what he was doing. She wondered why he kept her locked in her room. She wondered where he went. She wondered when he was going to be back. She wondered if she was in danger. She wondered if Klown was in danger.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Klown removing the chair and entering the room. _____ quickly slid off the bed, quickly walking to her beloved clown.

"W-what happened?" She asked, her voice tinted with worry.

Klown wrapped his arms around hers, giving her a giant, loving hug. He nuzzled his face in her neck again while stroking her hair with a gloved hand. He whimpered, as if he was worried for her.

"Hey," _____ said, noticing his attitude. "What's wrong? Can you tell me?"

Klown pulled away, his hand grazing over a scar Stekkjarstaur gave _____ when he thought it was her who cracked his favorite mask. Her eyes widened.

"Stekkjarstaur?" She asked.

Klown nodded, worry written all over his face. He pulled ______ close, hugging her again. She wrapped her arms around his bigger form, burrowing her face in his neck frills. Tears formed at the corners of her eyes.

"I-I knew he was planning something," she said, tears staining the fabric. "W-what do I d-do?"

Klown rubbed her back soothingly. He wished he could speak english, to tell _____ that he got it taken care of. He didn't want her to feel this way, to feel like she was being hunted down. Klown kissed her hair, reassuring her it's going to be okay.

"Y-you took care of it?" _____ pulled away, tears running down her cheeks.

Klown nodded, tucking some of ______'s hair behind her ear, then placing his hands on her cheeks, wiping her tears away.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," _____ said, grabbing Klown's hands and holding them in hers. "Thank you for everything."

Klown | First of the Krampus Series (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now