You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison

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"Mr Sykes?" I nod. "I'm Officer Daniels, and this is Officer Lemmings".

Both the Police Officers were young late twenties/early thirties, may be. Daniels had messy blonde hair and slight stubble, which did not suit him at all. He had big brown eyes and had raging muscles popping through his uniform.

Lemmings seemed to be a bit distracted. Off in her own little word, probably having fantasies about her fellow officer. I picked that up quickly because of the way she stared at his lips longingly as he spoke. She also stood pretty close to him in the doorway. She wore the uniform also, but in dress form. I'm pretty sure the dress was too short to be classed as professional, but she looked comfortable in it. I think she wanted Daniels to notice her more, so she probably didn't care about what she had to wear. She had her dip-dyed hair in a loose, elegant bun, with a few strands falling by her face. She had bright red lipstick on and black eyeliner and mascara, simple but bold enough to catch someone's eyes. She also wore a shit ton of perfume, and as the breeze blew it only became stronger.

But Daniel stood straight his posture perfection, not showing a sign of any attraction to his fellow officer. I could see disappointment buried deep within Lemmings' eyes. I felt sorry for her. He acted like she didn't even exist.

I opened the front door wider and welcomed the two Officers in. They stood awkwardly in my hallway as I closed the front door. "Please" I say gesturing for them to follow me into the living room. They sat down on one of the black leather sofas, very close together, much to Lemmings' luck. 

"Would you like a drink?" I asked politely, and slightly anxious. I wipe my sweaty hands on my trouser leg.

"A tea would be nice, thank you. Milk no sugar" Daniels asked flipping through his black notebook. I nod and look at Lemmings. She opens her mouth about to say something, fiddling with her fingers, she looks up at the other Officer. "The same please" She croaks. I nod again and make my way into the kitchen.

Hannah is stood by the backdoor, looking at the window, a steaming mug of probably coffee in her hand. She wears an oversized, cream, knitted jumper and a pair of black cotton leggings. Her feet remain bare as her toes wriggle on the cold wood flooring.

"Love, the Officers are here" I say quietly, trying not to spook her. She sighs and hugs herself tighter. "Do you mind making them a drink?" A wait for an answer but she stays quiet, still looking out the window onto our garden. "Two teas, milk, no sugar, please". No answer. I carefully make my way closer to her. I gently lay my hand on her shoulder, she flinches.

"Okay Oliver" She says sternly, her head turns to the side, so she can see me in the corner of her eye. I notice a single tear on her cheek. All I want to do is wipe it away, and make her smile, that's what I normally do. But nothing's normal anymore. We're all on the edge of our seats. Waiting.

I swallow, and remove my hand from her shoulder. She turns her attention back to the window. We stand in silence for a few seconds. "Okay" I sigh and walk out the kitchen and back into the living room where the two Officers sit.

I sit in the black leather love seat. My legs crossed, waiting for someone else to speak first.

"Is everything okay? We heard shouting" Daniels says.

"Yeah" I say quietly, not even bothering to smile. I pick at my chewed nails.

We sit in silence until Hannah finally comes into the room. "Hello Officers" She says cheerfully, with a large, most likely fake, smile on her face. She hands them their cups of tea then gives me mine and places the tray, she carried them in on, on the coffee table.

I clear my throat. "This is my fiance, Hannah Snowdon" I say as she sits on the arm of my chair. I place a hand on her back, rubbing it comfortable, luckily she doesn't flinch at my touch this time, that would of looked really bad in the particular company.

"So..." Daniels starts. He flips a few pages of his notebook. "We got a call from..." He looks up at us. "You, Miss Snowdon, is that right?" I nod in confirmation. "You informed us of someone threatening you and your family, is that correct?" He says his eyebrow raised and his hand stroking his stubble. I nod again.  My nail now in my mouth, chewing at it.

Hannah shifted her gaze at me, when I kept quiet. I stared at the fibres in the floor, thinking about the past events. Hannah sighs angrily. "It seems, someone has been stalking us" She says her voice clear, in my ears it feels too loud but it's only because I've shut everything else out.

"Okay and how long has this been going on for?" Daniels asks.

After a while, Hannah nudges me. I look up at her stern face. Then look at the two police officers. I sake my head "Sorry?"

"It's okay Mr Sykes we understand, it must be a shocking situation you are in. I said, how long has this person been stalking and, or threatening you for?"

I rub my hand against my face, trying to think. "I don't know, it was ever since I came off tour, so approximately three month, both stalking and threatening".

"Tour?" Daniels raises his eyebrows curiously.

"Yeah, I'm in a pretty famous band, Bring Me The Horizon"

"Oh I thought I recognized you, my sister loves you, you're pretty amazing, if I do say so myself" Lemmings interrupts smiling at me. I smile back in thanks.

"Oi!" Daniels remarks looking disgusted at her, for whatever reason, I don't know. She seems to become smaller, she puts her head down and carries on writing in her notebook. "Carry on sir" Daniels says calmly. Smiling at me. He seems like a bit of a bastard!

"So it's not that rare for me to get stalkers, you know. But this one has taken it way too many steps too far, and I'm scared for my family's life, my friends' life and even my own"


Title: You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison by My Chemical Romance

Song on the side.

Hey guys this is the first chapter of Sleep With One Eye Open, obviously! Anyway this will be pretty slow updates until like I've got a schedule for thing because I have like four stories on at the moment and I wanted to get this out here because I loved the idea and I hope you do too. So bare with me guys. And it would be awesome if you checked them out.

Let me know what you think! Thanks!

Sleep With One Eye Open // Oliver SykesWhere stories live. Discover now