Nothing Else Matters

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We all took a step in unison, Emily taking a step forward, and Hannah, Josh and myself taking one backwards. Our backs hit the front door, my hand slid down, holding onto the handle, hopelessly pushing it down, but it remained locked, not much of a shocker. 

Emily wore a permanent menacing smirk. Her lips were parted slightly in one place, here you could see her teeth, and I had to turn away, as I realized her teeth were blood stained. Upon her lips was a layer of bright red lipstick, which I doubted was actually lipstick. Around her eyes was a thick rim of eyeliner and on her lashes was clumps of mascara, this had run down half her face, staining her cheeks with black trails. 

Her head tilted slightly, and her smirk got wider, she noticed we were trapped against the wall, so took this moment to get closer to us. She stood right in front of me. Her chest touching just below mine, due to the height difference. She stood up on her toes, her face becoming closer to mine. "Such perfection" She whispered. She brought one hand from behind her back, revealing an oddly shaped, but awfully sharp knife. She stroked it along my cheek, not yet cutting or making a mark. She bit her bottom lip and sniffed up heavily. 

Her eyes flashed to Josh and Hannah, standing either side of me. She took a side step towards Hannah, her lips turning up in disgust. "What's it like, him loving you, touching you, being with you?" She whispered, but her whisper was deafening. "Are you happy?" Hannah nodded slowly. Her hand squeezing mine even tighter. 

Emily's voice echoed loudly around the house as she laughed loudly. "You stole him!" She screeched in Hannah's face. "You stole him from me!" She choked and ended up coughing. She quickly looked up at us again, after her coughing fit. A few tears had mixed with the black make-up trails along her cheeks. "I love him!" She whimpered. "I belong with him!" She paced back and forth but still keeping a close eye on us. 

With a blink of an eye she was standing in front of Josh, her eyes squinted and again her head tilted. "They write stories about you, both of you, together. By the way I see you look at him, I can't help but think it's true." She took a deep breath. "You stole him too" She screamed, and slapped him hard across the face. The impact made Josh look down at the floor, pulling in a long shaking breath before looking up. 

He looked at her with such disgust and hatred it actually scared me a little. I would of never thought Josh was capable of such a hard facial expression. She looked him directly in the eyes and giggled. Giggled. Fucking giggled. She enjoyed this? Well, of course she did! 

"What I have to do now is get you all in those three chairs" She gestured to the chairs behind her, in the middle of the living room. "But I can imagine it won't be that easy. so..." She turned around and crouched down when she came to a very large black bag. She started digging in it, she smiled and hauled the bag closer to the chairs. 

With the knife still in hand, she rushed over to Hannah, the tips of their toes touching. She lifted the knife up to her neck and pressed, causing a threat. "You know I want to" She grinned. "Go sit in a chair!" She screeched. Without a single doubt I went and sat down, so did Josh. Hannah stood statue. Emily had grabbed hold of her wrist, I watched as the colour drained from her hand and finger tips. Hannah closed her eyes and rolled in her lips, trying to stay calm. 

Emily pushed Hannah in front of her, her back to Emily's chest. Her arm was hooked around her neck, ready to choke her at any given second. Emily touched her nose to Hannah's cheek and she sniffed up heavily, breathing in her scent. Emily's eyes rolled to the back of her head. She took a handful of Hannah's hair and gently ran it under her nose, her eyes closed. 

With Hannah still inside Emily's headlock, Emily dragged her to the middle of the room, grabbing the empty chair beside me on the way. "Sit bitch!" She shouted at her, pushing her down on the chair. She stroked Hannah's pale cheek and walked over to Josh and I. 

She stood, her hip sticking out slightly, the tip of the knife tapping her bottom lip."Now, I could leave you like this." She smiled, or grimaced, if you would. "It would be easier for all of us. But, I doubt you're going to play along, so...". With that two very large, well-built men walked into the room from the kitchen. I looked wide eyed, by sight going from them to Emily. "These are what I like to call shock wires" She explained as the two men wound all of our hands together, with some sort of sharp, copper wire. "Or for me-" She took a step closer to me and bent down, face to face with me. "fun" She sent me a wink, that made my stomach bubble with sickness. "Now, if you struggle or say anything I deem inappropriate a wave will run through the wires and shock you. Are we clear?". 

Without the need for a response she turned to Hannah. She shook with nerves within the little space she had, her head was down,refusing to look at Emily. She made a tutting sound with her tongue,and grabbed Hannah by the jaw,forcing her head up. "Everyone told me I had no single reason to hate you.But I Iook at you and my skin crawls. I look at you I see nothing but red." Emily growled. "He loves you. He loves you oh so much.It sickens me." Emily took a step even closer to Hannah, there knees being pressed together, she pushed her head back, Hannah's neck cracking quietly. "I should be the one he looks at like I'm the only thing that matters. I should be the one he whispers 'goodnight' to, I should be the one he loves!" Her features scrunched up as she screams. 

Emily lifts up her leg,placing it on way side of Hannah's leg, shortly followed by the other leg on the other side. She placed herself on Hannah's knees. Her head turns to face me, her eyes roaming my half naked body, but with no showing emotion. She slowly looks at Hannah again, loosening her grip on her jaw and bringing it down abit. She stares at her, just stares. The moments last forever, as Josh and I wait worriedly, waiting for what? I don't really want to find out. 

An awkward cough sounds from behind me, I turn my head slightly seeing one of the large men, his eyes constantly moving around the scenery in a bored fashion. The other man tapping his foot impatiently on the floor. The noise sounded so loud within the silence, so did the ticking of the clock that stood on the mantle, over the fireplace. 

With the awkward cough, still Emily just stared. Hannah didn't want to look away either, but obviously for a different reason, she probably didn't want to do something 'inappropriate'. 

Then it happened, came as such a shock. Emily placed her lips upon Hannah's. 


Title: Nothing Else Matters by Metallica

Sorry if I've missed out any spaces between words, my space bar is spazzing out. 

Shameless self promotion - again! - As of two days ago I posted two new stories, just the first chapters, they won't be updated for a few weeks, but it would be cool if you guys checked them out. They're called: 

Save It For The Bedroom // Josh Franceschi 

Losing Breath // Fransykes

I'm going to try and post a new chapter of this on Thursday. Hopefully. 

Song on the side...

Dedicated to MindOfTheDead

Sleep With One Eye Open // Oliver SykesWhere stories live. Discover now