Come Home

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Well the police were no fucking help what so ever. All they did was say they would keep a close eye on any suspicious activity around the area, and put up Hannah's face on the police bulletin board, so the cops could keep an eye out for her. They said because they had no little evidence, anymore anyway, for the case they couldn't have a huge breaking headline on the news. Plus, they knew who I was and they decided it was best that my family wouldn't be shown all over TV like this, it could be bad for my career, they said. Fuck my career, at this moment in time I do not give ten fucks about anything, other than getting Hannah back. 

Josh and I worked together on salvaging the bedroom, so it was tidier than it was, and did it's job of allowing me to sleep in. 

I turned around as the house phone began to ring, I looked down to see the caller ID, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I saw it was the house phone number. I answered it cautiously. 

"O-Oli" A woman called shakily from the other end. 

"Hannah" I choked. 

Hannah burst into tears. "Help me!" She cried, and then the line went dead. 

My heart beating at a rapid speed. I ran manically down the stairs to see the living room phone was not there, and the cradle was covered in blood fingerprints. I gulped. With the upstairs phone still in my hand, I pressed redial, the last called number popping up and I pressed call. 

I impatiently tapped my foot as I waited for an answer. The most disturbing thing though was that I could hear it ringing. But if I could hear it ringing, why couldn't I hear Hannah, or Emily. I followed the sound and ended up in the kitchen. The phone lay upon the breakfast table, shaking from the vibrations. The phone was also painted with bloody finger-prints. 

In anger, I threw the phone across the room. I watched as it flew into the air, doing several turns and soon crashed into the wall, and breaking, falling to the floor in a pile. 

I backed away crashing into the wall, and slowly slid down it, seating myself on the floor. Gripping at my hair. 

"Why are you fucking doing this to me?" I screamed into the silence. "Please, just leave us alone!" I ended up choking on uncried tears. I don't think I've ever wanted to cry as much as I have in the last few days. So much for keeping strong, and not showing weakness. 

I tried to hurriedly calm and quieten my breathing when I heard  rattling come from the front door. I listened, with my hand over my mouth, it sounded as if someone was trying to get in. And they succeed as I heard the door open. 

From where I was on the floor, I peeped my heard around the doorway, seeing a familiar small, female figure stood my the front door, taking off her shoes and coat. I stood up and stared at the woman. Her skin was flawless, just like always. Her hair, it's perfect straight. No sign of struggle, torture, or pain. 

She turned around and jumped a little as she saw me. "God, Oliver, you scared the life out of me" She chuckled, heavy breathing with her hand over her heart. 

I just stayed staring at her, my eyes narrowed. 

She soon stopped laughing and her face dropped as she saw the look I was giving her. "Who are you?" I growled. 

Her face scrunched up in confusion, but soon broke out into a smile. "Very funny babe, very childish. Is Josh still here or has he sorted everything out with Abigail yet?" She said turning to the stairs.  

My heart beat quickened even more. A growl was released from the back of my throat. "Very funny, Emily" I screamed at the top of my voice. This Hannah look-alike stopped in her tracks. "Who's this poor soul, is she indebted to you too? How are you going to kill this one, another suicide perhaps, or maybe you're going to make me kill her?" The whole house shook with the booming of my voice. The look-alike stood frozen, her face drained of colour. I looked over at her, and my heart broke, this one looked identical from what I could see, and it killed me to know that this freak was only going to hurt her in the end. 

"Oliver, it's me" She choked. My eyes wandered up and down her body. Was I going completely insane? How can she be here? Unharmed, looking perfect as always. 

"Hannah?" My voice was hardy a whisper, I knew Hannah hated it when I shouted, she hated to see the anger, she said she loses who I am alot of the time when I get angry and shout. 

She nodded and took a few steps towards me so she stood right in front of me. I looked down at her, looking into her large brown eyes. I knew it was her, just by looking in the eyes. 

"H-How?" I stuttered. 

"How, what?" She asked, placing her hand upon my cheek. Her hands were so warm, so small, so comforting. 

"Where were you? Did she hurt you? Why did she let you go?" I rushed, bringing her into my body and holding her there. 

"I was at my mum's, I told you this, I knew you weren't listening to me" She said chuckling and shaking her head. 

"What?" My voice raised slightly. "She said she took you! I thought she was going to hurt you, kill you"  

"Baby, calm down, I'm safe, I told you yesterday morning I was going over to my mum's, possibly stay" 

My breathing was so heavy and I just held her tighter. "Never leave me again" I whimpered, ducking down to peck her lips multiple times. 

"I called the police about Emily" I said into the comfortable silence. 

"Good, and what did they say?" Hannah said looking up at me. 

"I don't think they believed me, or if they did, they're not going to do anything about it" 

She pushed herself from my arms. "What?" She screeched. "There's evidence, did you tell them or show them what we've collected. 

"Yeah, about that..." I rubbed the back of my neck. "I kind of burnt it all" 

Hannah rolled her eyes, and just walked away from me, turning to go upstairs. 

"Hannah!" Josh called as he scurried down the stairs. I captured her in his arms and spun her around. "Where did she keep you? Are you hurt?" I rushed,worried. 

"Oh my God, I went to stay at my mother's, I don't what has happened within the day I have been gone, but what I do know is that you boys never listen!" She stormed off in a girly hissy fit. 


Title: Come Home by Tonight Alive

So Hannah's back and was never taken by Emily. And Emily's only going to get creepier. 


Song on the side...

Sleep With One Eye Open // Oliver SykesWhere stories live. Discover now