Another Bottle Down

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My arms was acting as a dead wait, slung over the arm of the chair, the now empty bottle, fell from my grasp, it crashed the small distance to the floor, and rolled away. My eyes gave up, my head lolled backwards, my mouth hung open as sleep over came me. 


I wrapped my arms around the thin blanket, that was softly wrapped around me. My skin was covered in a fine layer of goose-bumps. I could hear the birds rustling in their nests, amongst the trees. I heard my name being whispered. So gently. So beautifully. I listened carefully to the sweet voice. It swirled around with the breeze, flowing through the air. The whisper ran it's fingers through to the ends of my hair, it caressed my cheek, nipped at my ear-lope, and sent a chill down my spine. 

But the whisper ended and was replaced with one single note, a whimper. It sounded so broken, so in pain. My eyes darted open, and I looked worriedly around at the forest that wrapped itself around my house. 

The blanket fell off from around me, spreading out along the floor. But the whisper was no more, the birds took over with their chirping. I let out a deep sigh and looked at the remains of the fire. 

"Oli" Josh called from the backdoor. He held out the familiar wooden, oblong box, I mean how many of these can she actually have. 

I flipped the lid open and rolled my eyes at the sight. 

One single once white rose. The petals had shrunk the tiniest amount in size, hardly noticeable. Along the stem though, on each little thorn, a drop of blood, stained. 

I flipped my hands over, multiple times, checking that the blood didn't belong to me. But if it wasn't mine, who was it? 

Please, don't be Hannah's. Anyone but Hannah. 

"What do you think they mean?" I looked up at Josh after I had thrown the rose and box in the fire. "The roses, they've got to mean something, right?" 

I shrugged. "I've not really thought about it." 

"Well, know's the time. The first one was in pretty much perfect condition. The second had browned and curling ends. And this third one had pretty much the same as the second but with blood stained thorns". Josh said now pacing by the fire. 

"I don't want to think about it Josh, I just want to go to sleep" I mumbled and tried to walk past him. 

He grabbed me by my shoulders. "Sleeping isn't going to bring Hannah back is it?" He spat in my face. I narrowed my eyes at him, and pushed away from his grip, storming inside to my bedroom. 

He's right, he's so right. But nothing else I can possible do will bring her back either. 

A few seconds later, Josh's booming steps followed me up the stairs and he stormed into my bedroom. He looked at my pettiness. I curled myself up into a ball, the covers just under my chin. 

"It's like your not even trying!" He shouted. I just ignored his harsh voice, and closed my eyes, pulling the covers up more. "Do you even want her back?" He growled. I felt a tear tried to creep it's way through my closed eye. 

"Of course I do" I choked. 

"Then do something about it then" Josh screamed. I was scared to see what he looked like right now. 

"Why do you care so much. It's like you were the one who was in love with her" I didn't think he heard from the silent reply. But then I forced myself to look at him and I could tell by hif face he had heard. I started to laugh. "Don't tell me, you're in love with her" My voice getting louder. 

Josh's hands rubbed his face. "Oh my God, you're in love with my fiancee!" 

Josh let out a growl. "No I'm not!" He silenced me. He pushed me to sit back down on the bed. "Mate" His voice was so calm now. "I don't know whether you noticed or not, but when you met Hannah, you completely changed, you quit the drugs, cut down on the alcohol, and we could all see what a nice person you really was. I finally saw that you were able to be truly happy. I can tell you are at your happiest when you're with her. So no, I do not lover Hannah, but I love both of you enough to want her back, because I can see how broken you are right now, and it's not only killing you, but it's killing me, seeing my best friend in such a state". He breathed. 

I nodded. "I'm sorry" I whisper. He hits my back a few times. 

"Now how about we do the thing, that we should of done when this first started". I shoved his hand in his pocket and pulled out his phone, handing it to me. "Call the police". 


Title: Another Bottle Down by Asking Alexandria 

I'm not going to apologize for the length of it, I am going to apologize for the bad quality though. 

Dedicated to nxvelty  

Song on the's really hard to find songs for these chapter names. 

Sleep With One Eye Open // Oliver SykesWhere stories live. Discover now