Chapter Three

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   It was hard seeing Cynthia. Instinct to leap up and fall into her arms was strong but Reane contained it. When Cynthia smiled her way, it frightened Reane and all her bravery went to hell. Reane could admit she was still angry with how they left things and provoked Cynthia.

   When she offered to go for her pack to hunt down the rogue vampires, it even shocked her. Reane did want to go, but for more than protecting her family and friends, and the innocence. She needed to clear things up with Cynthia. Make things right again. And a trip with Cynthia alone would force them to face each other and what had caused their argument in the first place.

   But, having Cynthia decline her offer without really acknowledging her, shot a wave of anger into Reane that caused her to jab one of the statements, Cynthia once said to her. That self reminder of Cynthia not thinking she was worthy enough still bother Reane and everyone could see it as if she split open her skin and bled it all out.

   "Nice going," Sissy smirked.

   "Damn it. I couldn't help myself." Reane leaned back into the chair, watching as Cynthia scurried off.

   "Oh, that was clear." Sissy's dad, Sean came up and said. "You two should have been worked things out."

   "Well, she never tried to reach me. She let four years pass." Reane was sounding like a child.

   Maia chose to speak, butting into the conversation. "You both chose not to speak to each other. And she has been a live for so many centuries, four years is nothing to her." What Maia wanted to also say was, unless that four years took you from your mate. But it was not her place to say.

   "It's grand to see you," Mona said, coming up to kiss Reane on the cheek.

   "You too. I've missed everyone."

   Rebekah walked up, wrapping Mona into her arms. "You will be leaving to work with Cynthia for more than the pack. You do well, I have position for you waiting."

   It meant a lot to hear Rebekah offer that up. Having a position under the Monarch as a protector to the supernatural world meant lot. And one position Reane realized she wanted. "Thanks aunt Rebekah."


Learning that Cynthia was already gone, Reane wished she could have talked things out before their trip. Whenever that trip was occurring.

   Heading to the jeep her moms drove her, Sissy, and Sean in, Reane tapped the hood. "I will meet you all back home. Have to take care of something."

  They all seemed to give her a knowing smile. She ignored their curious eyes and shifted wolf, knowing she'd reach her destination faster on all fours.

   It took her ten minutes to reach Cynthia's home going through the glamour. She trotted up the porch and like old times the door opened in time for her to walk through. Cynthia wasn't home yet, Reane outrunning her car. She went into her old room where she use to spend the night, finding clothes she could still fit from four years ago. By the time she made it back downstairs, Cynthia was walking through the door. She went into the living room, grabbing a wine bottle filled with blood.

   "Come to tell me how much of an ass I am?" Cynthia asked, sitting on her sofa, legs crossed. She was such a poised woman, never giving too much emotion. Her white hair and light ivory smooth skin, glistened from the electrical fireplace she had on. She kicked off her shoes, not interested in arguing.

   Biting back her anger, Reane chimed in on her memories they shared in this living room. Reaching over, she snatched the bottle from the end table and poured herself a glass of blood too. It been only a week sense her last drink. Taking a seat in the sofa across from Cynthia, it took her a few heartbeats to speak. "I shouldn't have made a scene." It was the werewolf half of her that wanted to argue.

   "No. You should not have."

   Her stern tone annoyed Reane. "Damn it, Cynthia. What was I supposed to say? Hey, how's it going?" She hadn't even taken a sip of blood yet, putting it on the end table. "All I remember is your words before I left."

   "AND YOU CHOSE TO LEAVE," Cynthia sneered out. She wanted to toss her glass but thought smartly. She hated unnecessary messes and wanted to act like a mature woman.

   "I had to, Cynthia. I needed to discover myself. A part of me, that needed to do so, alone."

   "Then, why are you here bothering me with the past now?" This time her words cut deep into Reane's heart.

   Reane tried not to show her pain from that blow, tears threatening to wail up. No matter what Cynthia said, Reane's hybrid had missed her. Needed her. It was Reane, herself that needed to figure things out. "Seems it was unwise of me to come back home in your eyes." Reane stood to leave.

   "Will you be changing your mind on joining-"

   "No," Reane snarled to walk off. Cynthia did not follow. Just like the last time Reane walked out of this house and left for four years. Just as she reached the end of the living room, it bothered Reane not knowing. "Was it that easy to let me leave? You said everything to keep me here that night, except the one thing that mattered."

   Cynthia's eyes widen.  Smacking her lips, Reane gave her a knowing glance. "You think I never knew about the sight my grandfather had between you and I? That we were to be mated one day. All I could do was dance in excitement for that day."

   Straightening her posture, Cynthia stood slowly. "Just because Lucian saw something doesn't mean you have to act on it."

   "Why? For you? Because you never felt anything for me?" Reane shouted.

   "It doesn't matter now," Cynthia dismissed.

   "Yes, it does." Reane walked back into the living room and up to Cynthia. "Why?"

   Cynthia swallowed and then closed her eyes. Just as Reane thought she wasn't going to answer, Cynthia did. "Because, being half fae, I have the ability to charm people. And what you feel for me, wouldn't be real."

   Wow. This is what she'd felt all these years. "You think your magic swayed me? Can it sway me thousands of miles away from you?" Cynthia stared at Reane in confusion. "Because, what I felt for you only intensified when I left."

   Hearing that, Cynthia almost believed it. She shook her head. "Maybe you tell yourself-"

   "Cynthia?" Reane snarled, ending her words. "Do you love me?"

   Cynthia froze. That was such an intimate question to ask. One Cynthia had been hiding herself from. Reane looked up at her with her mom, Maia's grey eyes. Swallowing again, Cynthia mustered the courage. What would it hurt to admit the truth? "Since the moment you turned nineteen and you helped me fight those rogue werewolves that came into the club."

   Reane's eyes widen, not expecting Cynthia to admit the truth. "I have loved you, far longer. And whatever crazy thoughts you have on me being influenced by your Fae lure. I will spend our time hunting those vampires with you, proving you're wrong." Reane had determination in her eyes. She growled and cupped Cynthia's cheek. "You were always meant to be mines." Then she turned to walk off and left.

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