Chapter Fourteen

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"Welcome back." The darklighters welcomed Cynthia home. Stepping through the door, she missed the comfort of her secure space. There was a guest here.

Her living lights were on. The scent of hybrid. It wasn't Reane. Instead, Kaliska stood. She was alone, tucking her phone into her pocket. "Cynthia."

She nodded. "Reane make it home?" Walking to her glass table, she poured a glass of blood for herself and offered Kaliska some.

Kaliska held her hand out. "No thanks."

There was a lingering of silence, followed by Cynthia waving for Kaliska to take a seat. She did so, Cynthia stepping around the couch to sit.

"Come to check up on me? Or to see if I'm going to hurt your little girl?" Cynthia held nothing back, getting to the point.

Kaliska smiled. "No! We both no she's an adult. She established herself long before we were ready to let her go." Kaliska cracked her fingers. "You helped me find my way to my full potential. Sometimes, I think back to when I was Reane's age. So confused and lost about who I was. It took me a while to let Maia completely in. Reane doesn't have that problem. She's already well on her way than I was. And proud of her. She's never been confused or indecisive."

"I know." Carefully, Cynthia placed the glass on the table next to her couch. She had so much to think about and face. Making love to Reane back when they were away, there was no pretending. Cynthia thought she could handle it all but she was wrong. There was still doubting her heart.

"Reane would never approve of me here trying to convince of something. And I'm not going to try. I just..." Kaliska considered her words for a moment. She smiled, thinking of her mate and locked eyes with Cynthia. "I know what it's like to hate what you are. When I first truly realized what I was...I wanted bury it. I couldn't be completely vampire or werewolf. I was stuck. Not integrated. And I thought any who tried to care for me did it out of pity or curiosity."

"You and Maia have been-"

"No." Kaliska snorted. "Maia and I had our issues. None we openly shared." Kaliska tilted her head, lost in her memories for a moment. "I was insecure. Maia has to constantly remind me what I had was through genuine love. In time, I found confidence and acceptance but that took time and patience." Kaliska stood, ready to leave. "I know you'll find your way. You just have to want it for yourself."

Cynthia nodded.

"We are having a gathering tomorrow night. All will be there. My parents too. After finding out the troubles...they've come sooner." Kaliska walked over and kissed Cynthia's cheek. "I'll see there."

And she was gone.

There was silence as the front door shut. Kaliska had left in supernatural speed. Leaning back, Cynthia crossed her leg over the other. Kaliska come to help her see another way of thinking of her future. It was something to admire. The student now the teacher. She smiled, thinking of how Kaliska already made statement of her coming tomorrow night instead of asking. She was such her own.

Cynthia would have only tonight to doubt herself one last time. Because by tomorrow night, she would need to go to see Reane with an answer.



"So..." Sissy sat on the porch next to Reane, waiting for more information. For the last hour everyone asked questions as Reane told them what she and Cynthia did. Now Sissy was ready for the other parts of the story she'd left out.

Reane snorted. "You are so nosy."

"No!" Sissy wagged her finger at Reane in false disapproval. "I'm you cousin. And you tell me everything. It's your duty."

Leaning into the porch, Rean groaned. "We had sex." She was still rapture by the memory which only tortured her more not knowing if Cynthia would take it all back. After they drove back to Blackwater, Reane separated Cynthia needing space. She went to visit Mona for advice and now she was home. All her hybrid instincts were eager to storm into Cynthia's house and claim her. But, Reane needed to know if Cynthia truly wanted her. It had to be her decision. She needed to make the move.

"How was it?" Sissy gave her a cheeky smile seeing the concern in Reane's expression.

Reaching out, Reane presses her hand to Sissy's arm. "Oh. Nothing bad. Quite opposite."

"Then what's wrong?"

Reane shrugged. "I'm giving her space." She gave her cousin a longing look. "I love her. And...when we made love there was no doubt in my heart. She loves me too! That moment...and all the moments between." Reane chuckled. "Hell, even when we were fighting off a threat. We"

Sissy smiled. "Then have annoying as that may sound. She's yours."

"Thanks couz!"


"How's my favorite niece?" Reane laughed at her uncle Jake.

There was a glow in his cheeks. During the time Reane been gone with Cynthia Rosalie had their twin cubs. A boy and girl. He came out rocking his twins to sleep.

"I'm your only niece. But seems you trying to outdo mom." Reane stood, reaching out for one of her cousins. She picked up the baby girl, eyes brown and curious to who she was. Reane pressed the new life to her neck, giving the baby chance to smell her. Know her scent forever. "We are family." She kissed the baby and smiled.

"That we are." Kaliska said. She tossed her shirt at Reane leg. "And I think we need to go for a run." Within seconds, Kaliska was in wolf form. Sissy leaped up and did the same.

Kaliska shrugged and handed back her new cousin.

"Hey. You gonna leave me to do babysitting alone?" Jake hollered.

"Sorry uncle. I haven't ran with the pack in ages." For few more leaped out the house in wolf form including her other mom, Maia and Rosalie too.

"Thanks hun," she hollered and they were off!

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