Chapter Ten

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   Night came and there was no trickle of blood in the air so far. Something had shifted, causing a stalemate between rational thinking and a group of bloodlust vampires. Whoever was leading them had a tight grip but it wouldn't last. After a while, the bloodlust would take over. Nothing but death could stop that.

"We need to go find your friend." Reane wanted to be kind about the circumstances Cynthia was placed in. She'd trusted Miguel. But Reane disliked him from the start. She didn't want to believe he was the cause for Cynthia's sake but he was mixed in. "We shouldn't delay-"

"I know," Cynthia hissed. She rather not be reminded of Miguel's role in their troubles. Her eyes flickered green for a few seconds as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "We will go. He won't be home and it is better to face him in a place more respectable. I don't want to bring hostility into his home. That is not my way for a friend."

Reane took a step toward the door. They'd been in the hotel too long. Before she opened it, the sound of metal clicking from barrels and wood splinting, caused her to leap toward Cynthia.

Pain erupted from her back and shoulder as she swarmed over Cynthia, laying her flat in the floor. There was a parade of bullets flying through their hotel room. Waiting for it to pass, Reane fought against Cynthia trying to move out from under her. Her hybrid had taken charge, protective of her mate. Eyes gold and sapphire, was all the warning Cynthia needed to be still.

The bullets ended when Reane leaped off. Two vampires rushed through the door, kicking it open. Eyes dark red from their bloodlust. Reane caught one as it approached, tearing its head off. She was only trying to snap it's neck. Twisting hard and fast.

Leaping up, Cynthia kicked the other vampire in the chest, the heel of her shoe plunging through his chest. She yanked her leg back the heel staying inside his chest as she punched it further into his heart.

Four more vampires rushed in. Fangs exposed, they moved for them.

Reane panted, the bullets slowing her down. There was no hesitation as she punched one vampire in the face, being tackled by another. The vampire slammed her into the wall, sinking its fangs into her shoulder. It moved rabid, pulling back to bite into her again. Reane snarled loud that for a split second the vampire hesitated. When her own fangs protruded the vampire eyes widen as she sank her fangs into its neck. She was blood crazed from her injuries and angry.

Her fangs extended alone with bigger and larger canines as her hybrid fully took form in her half facial shift. Her expression distorted as she bit down harder, breaking the small bones and tearing muscle in his neck.

She shoved the dead vampire forward and killed the ones left. Cynthia took two more down.

"I think that's-"

Reane was gone, out the front door and to the car that was trying to take off. She ran in superhuman speed and stopped in front of the car. She could hear the car engine roar as it went faster, hoping to hit and kill her. She stood still and at the last second, used her hands to stop the car. The car stopped as if hitting a wall, denting the hood. Reane watched as a man flew out , crashing through the windshield. He flew several feet passed.

Looking inside the car, a second man lay unconscious. They were both human. Walking around the car she pulled the man out, still hearing his heart beat. The few people around, stared dumbfounded. Reane noticed Cynthia making her rounds, enthralling people to forget.

The man who flew through the window was dead. Reane bit her wrist and spilled blood into the second man, trying to heal him.

She knelt over him on the sidewalk. When his eyes fluttered opened, she ensnared his mind instantly. "Who sent you?"

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