Chapter Seven

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Cynthia slept much later into the day. Half vampire, she could walk in the sun, but it did give her a stronger sun burn then normal human's go through. She referred to come out when the sun was dropping low or not too hot out.

Needing a meal, Reane went for a run, ending up at a diner. After inhaling a bunch of food, Reane settled into her seat, texting her moms with an update about tonight. Eager to attend this rave, Reane went shopping after, finding clothes that would hide her weapons and long blade. Black jeans and shirt with neon jewelry and a black trench coat. It had style to it that Mona would approve of.

Heading back to the hotel, Reane found Cynthia getting dressed. She buttoning up her shirt, staring out the window. In deep thought, Reane thought something was wrong.

"You okay?"

Cynthia turned, shirt half button, belly exposed. Her eyelids hovered low, not wanting to show what was on her mind. "All is well."

Studying Cynthia, putting her new stuff on the bed, Reane looked out the window. "Something fascinating out there?"

Stepping to block Reane's path, Cynthia arched both brows. "It's nothing."

Moving around Cynthia, across from their window, Reane looked at the other hotel rooms. Downstairs looked unoccupied, while at the upstairs level they were on held a few guest. The front window to one room was wide open, a couple inside. Two men, embraced in a passionate kiss.

Twisting a gaze to Cynthia, a snort came from Reane's mouth. "Watching them, huh?"

"No," Cynthia said quickly. She was embarrassed and blindly continued to button up her shirt. "I-they were..."

"Uhuh," Reane teased.

"Look, I find it remarkable that they can be so comfortable to express themselves that way, with the window wide open." Cynthia shot her arm toward the window.

Reane smiled. "I'm teasing you." Looking down at Cynthia's blouse, she noticed Cynthia skipped a button. Reaching in, Reane undid one of Cynthia's buttons. In a panic, Cynthia hand gripped Reane's hand. "Relax. I'm not trying to take advantage of you." Reane nodded to her shirt. "You missed a button."

"I can do it myself." Cynthia waited for Reane to step away.

"My apologies." Being denied the chance to help stung a lot more than it should have. Reane smiled, stepping back. Walking to the bed, she picked up her new clothes and walked into their shared bathroom. Cynthia was making this trip painfully frustrating. Focusing on what mattered, Reane showered and dressed, leaving the warm air to dry out her wet short hair. It would crinkle and only add to her mystic appeal tonight. Adding mascara and red lipstick, Reane found herself satisfied and walked out.

Standing quickly from the bed, Cynthia looked ready to confess but paused, eyes taking in every part of Reane's body. "You are-" Cynthia smiled tightly, straightening her posture. "I wanted to apologize."

"No need." Reane shrugged, putting on her shoes. "It is what it is."

Cynthia said no more. "There are a few places I want to check out before the rave tonight."

"Then I'll meet you right before the rave."


The night gathered into the sky taking away any hint of daylight being there. Reane had went into the City to do her own investigation coming up short. By the time she made it a mile from the rave, Reane was beginning to wonder how controlled these attacks were. There was no signs of the vampires being anywhere else but at specific locations, as if they were ordered to go to one spot. The issue with tat was, bloodlust vampires were to detached from rational thoughts to be controlled.

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