Look At Me

41 16 7

I love you,
Words which I cannot say,
To you whom I love,
Though there are so many way.
I choose to be silent,
I choose what is right.
I'll only stay by your side,
To comfort you at night.
To wipe away your tears,
For she hurt you again,
It's always been like this,
The moment you met her then.
She only gives you heartaches,
She only broke your heart,
Tears you've cried because of her,
Really broke me apart.
Look at me,
Whose always been with you,
Days and nights you have me,
And my heart belongs to you.
Look at me,
Can't you see the love in my eyes?
I always longed for your love,
When will you realize?
Look at me,
I will love you so dearly,
And give you the love you deserve,
You'll be happy with me,
Because I love you.

If only, you look at me.

Ordinary Love (Poem Composition)Where stories live. Discover now