You Never Came

20 10 4

Things uncertain, thing unknown.
Things so real but never shown.
Things so unpredicted, its like a lie.
Assuming, and hurting I dont know why.

I close my eyes hearing my heart,
Finding the piece to complete its part.
Yet this heart of mine keeps shouting your name,
But you never came, you never came...

I stay still, I stay this strong.
I stayed so hurt for so long,
This darkness I see, I will escape.
Till my heart forget this tormenting ache.

I can feel you so close, so near.
I want you to stay with me here.
I want to hold your hands, never let go.
But your hatred for me transparently show

I feel so empty, I feel so cold.
I feel so lonely but I feel bold.
And I know someday I can stand,
I can manage Without reaching your hand.

But I'm still afraid to open my eyes.
Though it's dark with you I realize,
That you're still my life my sweet disater
The pit I can never escape forever.

Things uncertain, thing unknown.
Things so real but never shown.
Things so unpredicted, it's like a lie.
Assuming, and hurting I dont know why.

Things uncertain just like you,
I thought your love for me was true.
Things so real, you did not love me.
You hid it and pretend so I'll be happy.

Things Unpredicted, I thought so.
You're just saying lies I never know,
I assumed that you loved me and it hurts so bad,
Becaues I gave you everything I had...

I thought you'll come back to me,
I thought you'll stay with me...
But when I shouted your name,
You never came, you never came.

And again I called your name,
But you never came, you never came.
And right now I'm broken again
Because You never came, you never came.

Ordinary Love (Poem Composition)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora