Found it in You

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I saw him in a near distance,
he outshined the floods of crowds.
I make my way towards him,
I walk happily and proud.

Millions of people were scattered,
In this small world they dwell,
but how did you found me
and learn to love me well.

Should I thank the stars
and the destiny they create
Our names were written gently,
bound to love by fate.

Or should I thank the heavens
That it bestowed me someone to love,
someone that I will treasure
someone given by above.

And as I walk towards you
I found a place to belong
A place I know would keep me safe
place to keep me along.

And as I look into your eyes,
I finally proved it's true,
That when they say they've
found their whole life,
I also found it when I look at you. 💖

Ordinary Love (Poem Composition)Where stories live. Discover now