On New Year's Eve

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New Year's Eve is coming near,
How I wish that you are here.
Though I've already told myself,
that it's impossible, because you already left.

I plan to call you on the phone,
so I won't be lonely and alone,
On the coming New Years eve.
I guess I'll celebrate it as I grieve.

I remember how you hold me close,
in an instant the coldness goes.
As I wrap my arms around your waist,
and we stood by the window face to face.

We watch the fireworks together,
shouted Happy New Year together.
How we embraced each other,
But I guess you'll do it now, with another.

So I won't call you over,
because you and I are over.
Though I'm sad because you're not here,
I'll still shout and cheer, Happy New Year!

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