He Fall Out of Love

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Once was a beautiful rose,
shining in red, blooming full
Its scents were scattered over places
among the garden of flower she rules.

And yet after a long time
it started to wither and die.
It was forgotten, not taken care of
Forsaken it went dry.

Once there was a girl,
She was praised, adored and Loved
She was like in a fairy tale
Where a prince offered her love.

The air is filled with love songs
sweet whispers in her ears
But it was just in the beginning
Things happened, of which she feared.

That once dreamlike fairy tale
slowly disappeared as time goes by.
Love, affection and adoration
they grow wings from which they fly

Once a girl, she was loved
She was adored, she rose above.
But that wings that once made her fly,
Left her, He said goodbye.

Ordinary Love (Poem Composition)Where stories live. Discover now