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This is how it felt like,
to fall in love with you
when all along we are friends,
but how did I fall for you?

Distance between us,
is just a hairline apart,
our souls are closest to each other,
and real love was in our hearts.

All along, it was perfect
Having you as my bestfriend
To have someone to understand you,
didn't even need to pretend.

It felt nice to have you,
when I wanted to curse and cry,
you're the person I can lean on,
when all I can think of is why.

And now we curse each other,
we hurt each others heart,
how did we end up like this,
slowly, we're falling apart.

And when the day we broke up,
My world just crumbled down,
this loss is something I can never gain back,
A lover, a bestfriend to be gone around.

If only I could turn back time,
To change the way things end
I will go back to those days again.
when you're still my bestfriend.

Losing you hurts the most,
and forgetting you is hard
For I didn't only lose a lover,
but a bestfriend I regard

Ordinary Love (Poem Composition)Where stories live. Discover now