Chapter 03

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When Mark first told his friends he was tagging along to visit the cafe and the band this upcoming Thursday, as usual, Jaebum, Bambam, and Yugyeom didn't make much of it. The two younger male just explaining how excited they were for Mark to join them. Meanwhile, Jackson, eyes Mark suspiciously before dropping the subject matter and joining the two younger male on expressing just how excited he was that Mark was coming along. It would have been a lie if Mark didn't say he was nervous ever since his text to Jinyoung. Every passing day seems longer than usual. He hadn't text Jinyoung after that night. There were nights where he did stare at his phone. Thinking whether he should send a text message, but thought better of it. Tossing his phone aside on his bed before rolling over on his side to fall asleep.

It was odd and funny how everyday life works. How one eventful day seems so far away and time seem so slow, but in a blink of an eye it's here and time seems to be going so fast. Mark had to blink several times to snap himself out of his trance. He took in his surrounding, looking around a bustling cafe in Seoul downtown. It was surprisingly still very busy at a time like seven in the evening, but Mark would bet it had something to do with the band that a lot of females were gathering to see. He was situated at a table where the rest of his friends were around the corner not too far off from the stage that they could see clearly. Jackson had run off to get them drinks as Bambam and Yugyeom were in a deep conversation as always. Jaebum was running late as he had a quick errand to run, that it had something to do with getting more cat food for his cats.

Just then a female voice interrupted his thoughts, "You're Mark right?" Mark looks up to the sound of the voice, finding Sunmi standing next to him with a smile on her face.

"Uh, yeah that's me. Mark." He awkwardly says as Sunmi lets out a small laugh before taking a seat from the empty chair beside him.

"It's nice to have you join us! You're going to love the performance." She says as Mark nods his head not quite sure on what to say.

"Do you come to the band shows often?" He asks as Sunmi breaks out into a grin.

"I guess you can say that as I do technically work here. I'm the manager here." She explains as Mark took notice of her work uniform as Youngjae runs to their table out of breath also wearing something similar.

"Sunmi nuna, we ran out of napkins and the storage room is locked." Youngjae explains as Sunmi gets up from her seat.

"Well duty calls, I'll see you around later Mark!" With a wave of her hand, she leaves with Youngjae walking beside her. As Mark watch five people setting their instrument up on stage, he recognizes Young K and Wonpil but not the other three that must be the rest of the band members Jackson mentioned before.

"One cold chocolate milk, iced mocha, iced Americano, and an iced tea for me!" Jackson shouts happily, placing everyone drinks in front of them. Mark took his iced Americano and swirl the content in his glass before taking a sip.

"Hyung, are you sure you'll be able to sleep after drinking that?" Yugyeom asks while eying Mark's drink with concern.

"I'll be fine Yugyeom, just drink your chocolate milk." He orders as Yugyeom shrugs his shoulder before doing as he was told. Jackson sets his glass of iced tea on the table with a thump after taking a drink as Mark grimaces.

"Mark, you have got to let me introduce you to the band members after. Well besides Young K and Wonpil, they are such a cool band!" Jackson gushes as Bambam rolls his eyes at Jackson fangirling over the group.

"When is Jaebum hyung going to arrive? The show is about to start soon." Bambam asks looking at his wristwatch as Mark grabs out his phone to check for any message.

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