Chapter 04

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Acting on instinct Mark quickly pulls his hand away from Jinyoung's grasps without failing to notice the smile on Jinyoung's face vanishing as well. Mark knew he hurt the younger male feelings with his actions without meaning to.

"I didn't mean-" Mark began explaining himself before thinking better of it, "should we go back to the table?" Without waiting for his reply Mark turns on his heels and began walking back where he came from with Jinyoung following right behind him. He could sense it, anybody with some common sense could sense the strange awkwardness in the air between the two. When they got back to the table Jaebum and Jackson were occupying the abandoned seats from earlier, talking amongst themselves as Bambam and Yugyeom greeted Jinyoung and Mark.

"I'm gonna go grab a drink." Excusing himself Jinyoung quickly makes his way through the crowd of people vanishing from their sight.

"What was that about?" Jaebum asks looking from where Jinyoung had gone to Mark whilst raising his eyebrow suspiciously.

"Seriously, I could practically taste the awkwardness in the air." Jackson added exaggerating his words as Mark bit his bottom lip nervously. He was not about to tell the guys what went down moments earlier. They wouldn't be able to shut up if he did and he seriously was not going to have another pep talk about love with Jackson.

"It's nothing, we just ran out of things to talk about." Mark lied while pulling up a chair from an empty table recently abandoned beside them. Not wanting to have this discussion go any further he turns around from the four suspicious pair of eyes looking at him to focus on the front stage. The song had just reached its last note and everybody began clapping for the band.

"Thank you! Enjoy the rest of your night and see you guys next week Thursday!" Sungjin says to the crowd before taking off the guitar strapped around him. Slowly the crowd diminishes as some left while some still lingered around the cafe chatting amongst their group of friends.

"Okay, Mark now's my chance to introduce you to the band." Jackson gushes hopping up from his seat.

"Shouldn't you just let Young K or Wonpil hyung do that?" Bambam asks as Jackson ignores his question running towards the stage where the band members were either setting down their instrument or putting it away. When he came back he was pulling along the leader of the group Sungjin as the rest of the group follows behind them.

"Mark, this is Sungjin and Sungjin this is Mark." Jackson introduces as both male bow their heads slightly to each other.

"Hi, I'm Park Sungjin." The male introduces himself again meanwhile sticking his hand out for a handshake. Mark took the man's hand and shook it as Jae slaps Jackson's back with a loud clap.

"Dude, I'm sure Mark already knows our names by now." That earns a pouting Jackson as Young K and Jae both laugh at his hilarious antics of wanting to introduce every member to Mark.

"Drinks coming through!" Youngjae yells as he makes his way through the room towards their table. He was balancing a black round tray in each hand. As he set both trays down on the table he heaves a sigh as if this took a lot of his effort. Setting down each bottle of beer at their table he grabs back the tray in his hand before clutching it to his chest. "Drink up you guys!" He happily announces backing away from the table.

"These are light beers." Bambam whines as Youngjae wags his finger in front of him.

"This is a cafe and this is the heaviest drink containing alcohol here. Take it or leave it since it's free." Youngjae counters shutting Bambam up, the redhead silently took his drink in his hand before clinking his drink with Yugyeom.

"You guys aren't drinking with us?" Young K asks noticing Youngjae walking away from the table.

"And where's Jinyoung?" Wonpil pipes up noticing his best friend was missing from the scene.

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