short #2

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"Babe...babeeeee, baby?" My boyfriend finn cooed for me.

"Why arent you talking to me?" He asked me trying to get a hold of my hands.

I took my hands out of his and dramatically turned my body away from him.

"You ate my ice cream..." I said.

First of all do not judge this stupid excuse cause he ate the whole tub. Like i spent my money to come home and see that amazing flavoured ice cream in my hands while watch b99. (Brooklyn nine-nine)

"Baby, I'll buy you a new one. I'm sorry I ate the whole tub," he told me trying to hug me. He chuckled when I moved my head again to the other side.

"You should be sorry, I'm not talking to you starting now." I said sternly trying to keep a so called mad face.

"Fine, have it that way....wait i have an idea I'll be back in an hout" he said excitedly before grabbing his keys and coat.

He kissed my hear before I heard the door shut.

Wahhhhh he left me, nice of him.

-------'1 hour later-----

I was watching Brooklyn nine-nine by this time and was kind of being really petty. Like bruh. Ya dont leave a girl to watch a show alone lmao.

I heard the door opened so I turned my head around to see my boyfriend holding 2 bags of groceries?

I don't even know.

"Hey babe, sorry for leaving unexpectedly, just needed to go the store before it shuts for tonight. I'm sorry for eating all your ice cream," he told me sincerely. Placing everything on the counter.

"So to make it up to you, I bought every flavour of ice cream you love from the store so you never run out of it" he told me smiling and walking towards me.

"Finn, you didnt have to do that. It was just ice cream." I said in awe of what ge did.

I cant believe he did that for me. Hes so sweet and caring. ♡♡

"Anything for my baby girl, I love you" he said grabbing the sides of my face and kissing me softly.

I love this man too much. I'm so lucky for the amount of ice cream he gave me. Mwuah.

"I love you more." I whispered to him.


He said grabbing my face for another kiss once more.

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