So yeah...

570 17 7

Just warning my imagines usualy may have curse words soooooooo just saying XD

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- best friend is the best I could ask for right? But why is it that every time I tell her who I like, she ends up hanging out with them so much that she says it's an accident that they begin to like her? Like of course you would know what you're doing. Flirting.

"Hey you good?" Finn asks me. Yes I'm totally fine, my bff came to my birthday party really moody and everyone paid attention to her cause her problems were so bad. I've been through worse yet she shows that hers seems like a tragedy. And on my birthday?!

"Nah, just a bit annoyed." I told him truthfully. I mean partly the truth.

"What's wrong?" He asked being concerned .

"Well it may seem selfish of me for saying this but I didn't like the way b/f/n came today and made everyone comfort her till she was happy, it made me annoyed. It's my birthday as well, like at least try to act not so moody." I say clearly pissed.

We were at the water park and I was so happy to come here but then my mood changed so fast I was nearly down the whole day.

"Yeah I saw, I mean I would be pissed too but the thing is I comforted her as well. Yu know just ask her how she is?" He explained.

"Yeah I asked her to go on the slide with me and she said yea yea sure, I waited and the next thing I know she went on the slide with a bunch of boys and said I never asked her." I frustratingly said. Ugh like, I get it your mom says one thing wrong but can you not make it seem like the end of the world and be happy after 3 hours after a bunch of boys comforting you.

"Shit, I was one of the boys" he said feeling guilty. He looked over at me in a trying to be comfort look but it wouldn't work , I was too pissed.

"Not surprised." I whispered sarcastically.

"What does that mean?" He asked nearly sounding confused like geee you didn't know? You and my best friend have been texting each other for months and practically like each other so much that you would talk about sex.

"Ya don't know? .. huh well then I didn't think you'd be the type to lie." I said sounding so interested in what I say anymore.

"I'm not lying, why would I comfort b/f/n, we barely talk." He said lying once again. I know too much basically .

"A lie once more." I told him using my hand gestures to be like duh.

"Keep it up, you'll end up like Pinocchio." I said rudely.

"Actually sorry, I could be wrong but I'm probably right, so I didn't mean to be rude, I'll leave you to go have fun." I deadpanned.and walked away towards my other friends.


"So yeah..I probably fucked up today as well." I said to my other best friend chuckling.

"hey, i'm here to have fun with you! its your birthday! come on lets go on the slides, the lazy river or even the wave pool! i don't like seeing you down." she told me trying to cheer me up. i don't know what i've done to deserve her at all. i gave her a weak smile and nodded.

i walked up to the top of the biggest slides with my other best friend. Feeling a bit down but i was happy since she never left me. I was getting ready to go down the slide but before i could my best friend shouted to me.

"Beat ya there!!!" she shouted, sliding down without even waiting for me.

"WAIT!! AhHAHAHAh wait for me!" i said screaming after her.

As we got down to the bottom, i couldn't stop laughing and held onto my stomach for balance. yes it was fun as hell. she smiled and laughed along with me. For a while we kept going onto different slides and playing games with my other friends. i completely forgot about what my first best friend did along with finn.

----2 hours later---

As the sun was setting i walked around gathering my friends and stuff that i left on the ground. Slowly remembering the great memories i had with my other friends, a smile slowly crept its way to my face. this day was okay i guess..

Still walking i looked up to the beautiful sunset glowing against my skin, my eyes traveled to the towers that had the slides. My heart stopped...

My closest best friend. Finn. holding hands, looking to each other so lovingly, my heart ached with jealousy. How could she do this to me, she knew yet she still did this to me. I never did anything to hurt her, nothing. My eyes slowly witnessed the slow motion of their heads slowly closing in on each other. My vision blurred from the tears draining itself.

I told her yet she did this. MY birthday. my day. my crush.

"Y/n! we should go, come on we're gonna be late. Y/n? whats the matter?" my other best friend walked up to me to stop and realised my sad state.

"y/N? what is it?" she asked me once more with more concern in her voice.

my hands clutched to my chest tighter feeling my heart break every second i see them together. My friend realised where i was looking and saw them. She sighed and took my hands and put them onto my sides. she just hugged me. i needed it at that moment.

"you didnt deserve the pain y/n. Im here okay? im not going anywhere. Finn is a dick for not going for you. The girl there now wasnt loyal to you. It will heal, but it will take time." she told me hugging me once more.

"so..yeah.." i whispered.



ew sadness ahahhaha

oh well ;)

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