its gonna be a cold night

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Well incase you're wondering, I'm currently fighting for my life in the ring. Yes I'm a fighter. Deal with it. This guy isn't really cutting me some slack but it's not gonna last any longer. I attacked him from his weak side and injured him long enough to throw another blow at him. Ding ding ding!

The bell rang nearly deafening me. Jesus! Can it be anymore loud? I asked sounding pissed yet relieved of the sound. I WON! Dads gonna be so proud of me.

I walked under the bands that surrounded the ring and met my dad smiling complimenting me of my win .

"Good job y/n! Championships next!" He shouted while hoisting me up onto his shoulders so everyone can see me. The crowd cheered loudly making me throw my hands in victory earning an even loudly cheer.

"I'm tired as hell." I said to my dad chuckling as he placed me down to the ground.

"Come on! Get in the shower and dressed. Mums making us lasagna tonight." He told me smiling from ear to ear because of my win but probably the food.

"Okay okayyy." I quickly said before rushing into the changing rooms.

---------1 hour later-------

"Honeyyyyyy, imm homeeeee!" My dad called out to my mum so lovingly and weirdly. Must be their inside joke. I just giggled to myself and shook my head and my dads childish behaviour.

"Hey sweetie, how was the fight? Did you win?" She asked me giving a peck to my forehead. She was carrying the lasagna in her hands which seemed to be very hot so I stepped out her way for her to place it on the table.

"Yep." I said making the 'p' pop as I said it.

"Well done! I knew you'd do well." She replied to me giving me an embarassing mum hug.

"I'm starving! Let's eat shall we?" My dad asked rubbing his hands together.

We all dived in and got a piece of lasagna each. Man I'm gonna be stuffed tonight. I feel like I'm forgetting something?

Do I have homework?

Uh oh.



My alarm woke me up at 5:30am today and I couldn't be bothered at all till I remembered my morning training.

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhh" I crawled out of bed wanting to just sleep more.

In this household somehow my parents manage to wake up early without an alarm clock and have a positive attitude. 'Morning birds' I scoffed.

"Morning kiddo! Come on, you know the drill. 10 laps around the ring. CHOP CHO!" My dad told me in a cheery mood.

I started jogging around the ring feeling so dead "whyyyyyyy you do this to me??" I groaned out loudly.

Still jogging, I was on my last lap when I noticed outside the window a boy jogging aswell. "Who would run so early in morning?" I asked to myself quietly looking quite shocked.

Must be the new neighbours. I heard they were coming around some time this week. Stopping from my jog and I gasped for air.

"We're not done yet, you signed up for this, you're getting the real deal right here." My dad said grinning at my tired state.

----------im at school now-------------

"Hey y/n!" My best friend greeted me with a hug like usuall by out locker.

"Guess what? Apparently theres a new kid in school, and also that he's an underground fighter." I looked over at her quickly after she said fighter.

"I'm just kidding, hes apparently transferred here because of a sports scholarship." She reassured me.

I sighed because I didnt want competition from another student like last time. I've been known as the fighter of the school, meaning I dont get alot of bullying, I mainly stop them from happening.

Walking into form class I waited for the teacher to walk in and take the register. Waiting, I turned around to my friends and just talked about nonsense that we've seen, done, ate etc. (Ehehhe ate)

"Settle down, settle downn. Well to introduce to all of you, there is a new student attending your year. Why dont you introduce yourself?" She asked the new kid from outside the class and gestured for them to come in.

The transfer walked in and my eyes widened because I've seen him before. The same curly hair and the light brown freckles. He was the boy running this morning.

"Hi" he coughed and re-adjusted his voice,"I'm Finn, Finn Wolfhard." He told everyone in the class.

'Hmm finn, nice name' I thought writing down the rest of my homework I forgot on the sheet of paper.

"Well finn, pick anywhere to sit. We are all gonna be friends sooner or later." My form teacher spoke up.

He walked over to the seats slowly looking over at the empty seats he could choose from. His eyes caught onto mine and I shifted mine away. He kept walking to then stop at an empty seat beside me, my heart stopped at his sudden movement. He sat down next to me and got out his books he needed for the day.

I looked over to him and gave him a smile.

"The names y/n" I told him giving him my hand for him to shake as a joke.

"Finn." He smiled back shaking my hand.

.Finn.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat