Chapter 1

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Lotus's pov.

Ah, a normal day of being treated like shit. I got down on my knees to clean up my own blood. I felt hands on the back of my skull. My body tensed up before he bashed my head into a piece of glass, which caused more blood. Just great now I'm gonna have to go fix these stupid cuts with bandages. Plus I have more blood to clean! How did I even get into this mess!? Oh, right...

Flashback yay! Lotus's pov. Starts...... Nnnnnow
I was in the middle of reading an amazing book named, Coraline by Neil Galman. But then I heard someone calling, not my name but someone else's. I began to get up, putting the book on the log I was sitting on. "I really hope this doesn't get stolen." I told myself out loud. When I kept walking towards the voices, I saw a little boy sitting against a tree. Well, a tree of many of course. I was in the woods after all. I was curious but hesitant. I took a step, ignoring all the warning signs and alarms going off in my head.

I come closer to him as so I can see better through the fog. "H-hey! W-ho ar-ar-are you!" I kinda giggled in my head at how much they were stuttering. Although they weren't stuttering from shyness, but from how many crocodile tears were pouring out of his eye sockets. I felt bad for the kid. I sat down next to them. "Um... Hi?"
"I already said 'hey'. " I chuckled.
After that we talked for a while, about many things to be honest, I learned he had run away from his father. He was beating this boy senselessly.
" I'm Lotus by the way."I said the last part while covering my face in my scarf. " Cool... Rurik's the name."
Rurik replied.
End of flashback T-T

Anyway that was in the past! He's changed... Just I wish I had as well. Please universe make this world be nicer... Just atleast one day! Ugh why do I exist! Kill me please, I have no purpose here. I want to go somewhere better, start out fresh and new and not here. It's a waste of time to try to fix this.

I walked upstairs to me and Rurik's room. Rurik was just sitting on the bed not doing anything. I was shocked but not really wanting to waste this moment I went inside the bathroom. I opened the cabinet in the mirror and took out pain killers, a razor, and a handkerchief. Setting my back against the wall. Please. I took a handful of pills. I wanna go home. Tears sunk down my face like oceans and pools. And then cutting my scarred wrist with razors.

This is getting repetitive. Please listen. With the handkerchief, I cleaned up the fingerprints from the razor and pills, mainly cause Rurik could always tell if someone touched a blade, guess it was part of his training. You're so ignorant. I sat there looking in front of me. The picture hanging there. Rurik was hugging me on the waist and holding flowers. I smiled while tears moved along the now curved surface of my face.

I remember those days. End it. Oh were they the best. He used to give me roses every single day, and I'd reject them every time. I was too flustered what can I say? Now that life's got to us, it's over. It's all down the drain and forgotten like the peace in this world. End it,Lotus. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them I got up. I wasn't dead just yet. Why, why universe? Why can't you kill me already.

I walked out of the bathroom into the kitchen to clean since I forgot to do it an hour ago, I think. So I took the pills at like 12? I look at the clock. Wow I was out for a long time. It's now 7:42. After I cleaned the kitchen I went back to the bedroom to go to bed. Rurik was no longer there. Where'd he go? Although the shower was on. I change into my black pajamas, which were just ripped sweatpants and a turtle neck. I was gonna go to bed but then I forgot that I didn't clean the dining room. But the shower stopped and he'll be mad if I don't. So I raced downstairs and tried to clean the fastest and neatest I could. After I did that I sped up to the bedroom. Luckily he wasn't done in the bathroom. I looked at the bedroom. The only thing uncleaned was the bed. I cleaned it today once, I'm supposed to do it twice. I'm so tired though, and it would take to long to wash everything. I went to bed anyway.

Happy Holidays! 666(update:now 825) words🖤

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