Chapter 2

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Lotus's pov!

I opened my eyes a little bit not wanting to be seen awake in case anyone was looking at me. No one was so I sat up. I looked up, since I was staring at my hands. And there was Rurik there in the bedroom doorway. I didn't know the time so I looked at the alarm clock. Oh good, I don't have to make breakfast. Wait what am I doing!? Why is he staring at me!? Is he gonna hurt me or what?! Will it be like last time? Please don't go on top of me like last time. I know you didn't have it in a while but please not a 3rd time. I won't be surprised though.

By then it answered my questions by him walking out of the room. But eh not like I'd ever want him to keep staring at me. It was a little uncomfortable and awkward if you ask me. I walked to the bedroom doorway and looked for Rurik. He just put on his boots and walked to the door past the sofa. "W-where are you g-going? " I asked. Ugh damn it why do you stutter so much? Of course, he didn't reply and walked out of the house. Eh, he's probably just gonna go screw someone or that other me. Is he kinder than me? Is he smarter than me? Is he cuter than me?

"Is he my replacement, Rurik?"

Why can't he just love me like he used to...?

Anyway, since he's gone and theres nothing good on the tele, stargazing won't hurt. I put on my red (edgy lol) boots. Walked back into the bedroom, onto the window sill. I grabbed a thick branch and put one foot on the roof, then the other. When I finally got a balance I let go of the branch and quickly put my hands on the gutter. I went farther on the roof for the better. I looked up and to my liking there were many stars. Beautiful and shining. (they moved on the surface) New Underfell can be extremely bad but it has it's beauty's and quirks. BNHA!!!!... (Quote taken out cuz of uh inspired by a bad person)
It looked amazing... If only if I could just show Rurik, and if he showed he loved me.

Aye- hey there meh meeps, peeps, then my special bleeps hope you've had an awesome day/night/afternoon! 427 ( 465 now) words! Have a song I like from a musical.

New(not anymore)
            Does Rurik actually like Lotus              
                 more than a just someone who  
               does dirty work?

               Where did Rurik go?

Plz try/guess if possible(or if u want to) . Bye meh meme gods, goddess, and devils. (Or
      Kris's, angels, and Jevil

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