The Type Of Boyfriend He Is

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Tate: He's clingy and always wants to be with you. He is very protective and wants to make sure you're okay. He's always very sweet about helping you when you are at your worst.

Kit: He loves to hold you but also wants to give you your space. He is also very protective but only when you go out in public. He loves being able to show you off 24/7.

Jimmy: He is not afraid to show you he loves you in public. He loves to hold your hand whether you guys are out in public or sitting at home. Whenever you need something he is always at the jump to get it for you.

James: He's jealous of everyone that comes near you and tends to get protective because of it. He likes to grab your butt in public (even thought it bothers you sometimes). He always has your back and is very trustworthy.

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