baby venom ~part 1?~

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Okay so the story plot I'm going for is Eddie leaned on a wall and when venom stuck his head out a chemical fell on him and he became a child...
I just thought of it randomly.

Eddie told you about venom 2 weeks before your wedding. It took you 3 minutes to forgive Eddie for not telling you sooner.

Now it's been 1 month since Eddie and your wedding.

As you where unlocking the door to your apartment you could here baby cries coming from the living room. Taking off your coat and putting your keys on a hook you walked into the living room where you saw Eddie swaying and bouncing ,what looked to be a cute and tiny version of venom, wrapped in a blanket.

"Eddie is that venom or his child?" You asked

"Oh I think it's still venom but he got some chemicals on his head and now he's a baby" Eddie whispered

"Here give him to me. I know a lot more about babies than you--" you didn't even finish before Eddie passed the babies over to you and stepped away. "Do..."

"I will never complain about venom being immature again!" Eddie said.

You didn't care what he said, as you were to busy cooing and rocking baby venom in your arms. As you sat down you put out one finger and let him nibble on it because, he didn't have all of his scary teeth he used to eat the heads off of criminals.

"Go get milk and a baby basket." You said to Eddie as venom fell asleep. 'I guess baby simbiote's don't need a host.' You thought as Eddie ran out the door.

Setting venom on the couch with his head propped up by a pillow, you got out a pack of gummy worms you hid from Eddie when he and venom went on a 'diet'. (that lasted 5 hours.)

»«»«»«»«»«»«»Le time skip«»«»«»«»«»«»«

Eddie came home with a baby basket and some milk after a while. You were happy when he got hope made little V ,as you now called, him a makeshift cradle and a bottle as he was starting to get fussy.
Surprisingly Eddie took the liberty of bringing home bottles even though you never told him to.

After 2 days Eddie had grown to like little V, and started calling him son.

Please tell me if you do want a part 2 I had a very fun time making this chapter

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