chapter one: long flight

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hi! this is the first chapter, Luke's in the second chapter! hope yall enjoy

I drew that house above, its shit but that's how I imagine Reece's home :)


The Manchester airport at six in the morning was still busy, Reece guessed an airport is never really not busy. He was standing right outside the check in desks, his sister, Charlotte, and mother, Iris, were with him, ready to say goodbye, people were rushing by them, the sound of suitcases being rolled around and mothers hurrying their children, who were way too tired to be out of bed at six am. Charlotte held on to Reece's shirt tightly as her face was pressed to her big brothers' neck, "I'll miss you."

"No, you won't." Reece chuckled. He squeezed his sister before letting her go, pulling his mum in for a hug. "You'll look after each other and visit me at Christmas and New Year's." He told them, smiling, he may be leaving the most important people in his life, but he had to try and start his own at some point too. "we'll have the least white Christmas ever in Australia."

Iris laughed, her hands lifting to her sons' face, "You'll have'ta call me as soon as you get to your lay over flight, and then your hotel and when you wake up the next day, I want to make sure—stop laughing at me Reece Dylan Grean."

"Okay I'm sorry," he smiled and kissed her forehead, he had a few inches over most people in his family. "Now I have to go, I'll see you all soon." He took a step back and pointed at his sister, "Be good, do your school work. No boys."

Charlotte rolled her eyes, "alright for that, you can fuck off to Aussie and not come back."

Iris put her hands on her daughters' shoulders and sighed at her manners, "Go have fun, Reece." She said finally, a happy smile on her face but tears in her eyes.

Reece nodded and shouldered his bag back up his arm, "See you soon." Reece then turned around with his passport and boarding pass in hand, heading towards security. He joined the line behind a small old lady in a wheelchair being taken care of by her just as old husband. Reece headed through security, having his bag searched, his body prodded by an elderly woman with a kind smile. He repacked his bag the other side of security and made his way to his flights gate, as he walked, he took his phone from his pocket and smiled at the bunch of texts from his friends, specifically Matt's, whose texts consisted of too many crying emoji faces and too many purple love hearts. Reece sent his final messages to say he loved and would miss them before putting his iPhone on Flight Mode.

When he got to his Gate, they were already boarding, so he joined the line, it moved quickly and the girl standing there with the Emirates hat on, smiled brightly at him, "good morning sir." She said, taking his boarding pass and Passport.

"Good morning." Reece returned the smile, "You seem too happy to be awake at six am."

"My body clock is so messed up, it probably thinks its nine in the evening and that it's time for a cocktail." She joked, her pearly white smile still on show. Reece smiled at her before she opened his Passport to his photograph and compared the two, the scanned the boarding pass. "Have a safe flight to Dubai and then Sydney, Mr Grean."

"Thank you," Reece said and then started the walk down the bridge to the plane, he reached the doors and the Air Hostess gave him that same grinning pearly smile they all had. She took his boarding pass and pointed him up the stairs, "You're up here in business class, my colleague will show you to your seat." She said politely.

Reece followed her directions and was led to his seat, which looked comfortable, with a small screen to watch films on and headphones and a blanket on the seat, neatly folded. He smiled when realising he had the window seat, he looked out of the glass and saw the wing, at least he had some good photo opportunities for his Instagram now. Reece pushed his bag under his seat and lay back, before he saw a young girl take the seat next to his. She noticed his staring and smiled back, "Hey looks like were neighbours for the flight." She put her bag in the over head slot of the bag holding and tried to close it but struggled making Reece stand, he shut it for her, "Thank you."

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