chapter two: mattress on the floor

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sugarbabyluke made Reece's house on sims and ruke as sims, I also did and it's ok the sims gallery and they have baby Lily, my @ is Gecko123321 bc dead


The afternoon Reece had officially moved to Australia he had decided he would get dinner at the Fisherman's Boat Club, it was down the road from Reece's home in Gerroa. He arrived and saw the sign saying to sign in so he did, writing in his new address and signing it before ripping it from the book and heading inside, the place was half full, families at tables and couples with babies and elderly people, so Reece grabbed a seat near the window and picked up the menu, he knew instantly he wanted to try the fish and chips, he read you had to go to the bar and order so he looked up and stood, heading over. He waited in line, and when it was his turn, he licked his lips, as he looked above him at the large menu, then looked at the boy serving him, he was tall, and blue eyed, blond hair lay on his forehead in sweet curls, he had a slope to his nose and defined cheekbones. The definition of Australian boy stood right in front of him. "Hi." Reece smiled, glancing down at his name tag.


Luke smiled back at him, "Hi, what can I get for you?" he asked politely enthusiastic for his job.

"I'll have the fish and chips with a bread roll." Luke nodded as he put in his order.

"You're new around here?" Luke asked.

"Yeah just moved here today, can I get a beer with that too?"

"Sure," Luke put it in the machine before grinning, "That's twenty-two dollars, thank you." Reece pulled his wallet out and pulled out a twenty and a five, he didn't have change on him. He handed it to Luke, the blond giving him three dollars change, then a small blue and black box, "When this buzzes and beeps, come over and get your food, you can go to the bar and get your drink there." Luke smiled.

Reece turned, "Thanks." Reece went to the bar and got his drink and went back to his table, looking out at the view from where he sat, he could see the water and up the coast, it was warm today and he knew in a few months he'd experience his first ever Australian summer come December. Reece took his phone from his pocket and connected to the Wi-Fi, texting his mum, sister and friends that he'd made it safely and that he was getting food. Reece then opened up notes and started up a list of things he needed for his home:

Everything kitchen related
A bed
A rug
Bathroom stuff

Reece huffed, he had a lot to get and not a lot of time once he started his job.

After ten minutes Reece was sipping his beer when Luke the blond waiter came over and placed his plates down, Reece blinked, "I thought I had to get—"

"You're English and new, I'm gonna sit with you for a bit so you don't look so lonely." Luke smiled, so the smile went further than professional, Luke really was just that happy.

"Aren't you working?" Reece questioned.

Luke stole one of Reece's chips, "It's my break right now." He ate the chip, "I'm Luke."

Reece pointed at his badge, "I know, and I'm Reece."

Luke folded his arms on the table, "So you just moved?"

"Yep, just a few minutes down the road in Gerroa, right by the beach."

"Oh nice, I live in the middle of Gerringong."

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