chapter three: gay gay gay

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look how cute ruke is


Luke woke with a start, shooting up on the mattress, he looked around the blank bedroom and then to Reece who lay still fast asleep. Luke pulled his phone from his pocket, he curse when seeing the time, he was supposed to be at work ten minutes ago, so he got up, then looked at Reece awkwardly. He didn't want to just leave him there.

Luke went in to the living room and saw a Chinese menu, so he grabbed a pen from one of the boxes and wrote down a note that he had to leave, that he was late. Luke made sure he had his keys before he left the house, going down the stairs and drive way to his car. He drive to his work around the corner from Reece's house and parked his car. He rushed inside and went around the bar to the staff room where his boss was at his desk. "I'm sorry I'm late, I was helping a friend move stuff and I fell asleep and just—"

The boss checked the time, ten past two. Luke was ten minutes late. "Luke you're fine, it's only ten past." He shrugged, "you're usually early, you're fine."

Luke nodded, "thanks." Luke grabbed his shirt from his locker and changed quickly, he was already wearing his black jeans and converse so he was pretty much in his uniform. Luke went out to behind the bar where Michael was, pouring some drinks for customers. Just as Luke was about to speak, his phone beeped in his pocket, on his lock screen was a text from Reece.

From: Reece
You weren't too late were you? Sorry we fell asleep

To: Reece
Just a little late, it's ok, sorry I had to leave

From: Reece
It's okay

Luke pocketed his phone, "Hey." He finally said to Michael. "How are you? Crystal okay?"

"She's fine, I'm fine, now who's this boy you've been helping? You only have a handful of friends." Michael joked, though deadly serious, Luke had like three friends, making Luke frown.

"That's mean." Luke said, "but his name is Reece, he's from the UK and just moved here. I'm just helping him move in and settle."

"Is he cute?" Michael quipped, typing in the numbers on the till.

Luke blushes, "maybe, but he's also a little too old for me?"

Michael turned to Luke, raising his eyebrows, "how old?"

Luke scratched at his stubble, "uh, twenty eight, he just looked lonely so I joined him yesterday for my break, he's nice, we're just friends and I don't even know if he's gay."

"Fucking find out then." Michael whisper yelled, he turned to the customer with a grin and took her money, gave her the drinks and she walked away to her table. Michael turned back to Luke, who looked like he'd combust. "What?"

"I can't just make a move or drop a hint, what if he's a homophobe? Australia only just made it legal to get married I can't risk it, he's too nice and he works with Aleshia."

"He's a Doctor?" Michael gasped, knowing Aleshia had started as an intern at the hospital. "Then you definitely find out if he's gay." Michael left the bar to the counter, making Luke whine softly and get to work.

Luke did his shift and when he left he brought a four pack of beer and went to the Indian restaurant and drove back to Reece's house. He went up the stairs and knocked at the front door, there was a rustle of feet and then the door opened. Reece smiled, "you're back!"

"I am!" Luke grinned. He was let in to the house, and handed Reece the bag of food, "I brought Indian food, I didn't know what you'd like so I got like the most normal thing."

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