chapter seven: mission fake dating in progress

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hi here's an update, just wanna say quickly to keep the Tomlinson family in your thoughts because louis' sister recently just died, RIP.

and sorry this is a short chapter lol


Luke was on his break at work, sat at a table with Calum as he explained what had happened on his birthday—Calum had been way too drunk to remember Luke even leaving the club.

"So what, Reece is gonna try and set us up because he thinks you like me?" Calum asked once the story was over, "and you falling over and breaking your arm, then not noticing is such a fat drunk mood."

Luke sighed, "please don't."

"Well it's true!"

Luke leant his face against his palm, frowning, "I don't know what to do. Like personally I think we have two options in this, either: you tell me in front of him that you don't like me that way and let me down gently, or, we fake safe for a few weeks and try and make Reece jealous." Luke said. "Like I can't just tell him."

Calum gasped, "yes fake date!" He yelled, "plan B, I want that one."

"You'd have to kiss me, you know that right?" Luke asked.

"We have before, what's a few more times." Calum scoffed, "people would be fucking ecstatic to be my boyfriend, you should feel honoured."

"Please shut up." Luke said, running his hands across his face in frustration, "But I guess we can fake date for a few weeks, but like it's only necessary in front of Reece."

Calum pouted, "Fine,"

Luke glanced at the doors of the club as they opened, seeing Reece entered the building. "Reece is here."

"Oh." Calum said, glancing over at him, then grabbing Luke's hand over the table, "be cute Luke."

"That's not exactly hard." Luke quirked before Reece and him met eyes, Reece smiled and walked over. "Hey Reece."

"Hey, how's your arm?" Reece asked, seeing the cast was still clean on Luke's arm, except some crude drawings of penis' and writings that said "I suck dick for money". Which Luke probably had to hide from his mum.

Before Luke could reply, Calum had jumped in, "I'm looking after him fine, thank you." He said, making obvious they were holding hands.

Reece saw the hands and how happy Calum looked and how awkward Luke looked and realised..."oh, you told him already? That was quick."

"Yeah, I guess I listened to your advice." Luke said softly.

Calum grinned, "me and Luke are finally gonna give it a try, I've liked him for years."

Luke kicked Calum's leg under the table. He was being way too obvious.

"Yeah we're taking it one day at a time." Calum added.

"Cute." Reece smiled, happy for Luke. "hey Luke can you show me how I become a member here?"

Luke nodded, "Sure." He got up, the two of them heading to the bar where they kept the papers for memberships. Luke walked around the bar and grabbed them, "just fill in these."

Reece was handed a pen, "so you and calum huh? I'm surprised you told him. But you're doing okay?"

"Yeah were fine, more than." Luke said, really trying to sell that they were dating, he'd look like such a child if Reece really knew the truth. "He's really great, great friend, hugger, uh kisser too."

Reece chuckled, keeping his head down as he wrote down his details. "It's cute, I remember being your age, had my first ever girlfriend, thought I was gonna marry her—obviously I didn't but I'm sure you and Calum will stick, you've been friends forever."

"Yeah." Luke said, taking his time and looking at Reece's pretty face. "And I'm sorry I walked all across Sydney for it, thank you for helping me." Luke told him.

"It's okay, you were drunk, I get it, I've done worse."

"Like what?"

"I shouldn't even tell you." Reece laughed. "You'd never believe me."

"Oh." Luke smiled, "a rebel, I like it."

Reece finished the forms, handing them to Luke, "I have another shift soon and I still need to shower so I'll see you this weekend? We could go grab some lunch unless you're busy with Calum?" Reece asked and Luke wasn't going to pass up quality Reece time to spend it with Calum who quite frankly, sucked, and was playing too much Fortnite at the moment.

"No I'll be free." Luke grinned.

"Great, I'll see you at the weekend." Reece nodded and turned and left the club, waving to Calum as he passed. Calum yelled goodbye as he went by.

Luke sat back down with Calum, "I'm seeing him at the weekend."

"Ooh, can I come?" Calum asked excitedly, "we can lay on the boyfriend stuff, thick too."

"I don't know." Luke huffed, just before Michael came over to them, taking up another seat with a glass of coke with him.

"What did Reece want?" Michael asked, letting Luke sip the drink.

"Membership forms."

"Did he see you two holding hands?" Michael asked because he'd already heard the story and the possible plan Luke had in mind.

"Yep." Luke sighed, "He thinks we're dating and I'm so fucked."

Calum pouted, "I think you're being mean."

"I'm not—"



"Luke, you're being mean."

"Calum, I'll hit you."

"See that was rude."

"I'm going back to work." Luke stood up, took a long gulp of the Diet Coke and went back to work.

Calum and Michael stayed at the table, Calum watched Luke leave and frowned, "I feel so bad for him, we should just tell Reece ourselves that Luke likes him."

"God no." Michael laughed, "let Luke be an idiot, plus you never do that, you gotta let them figure it out and maybe with Luke being cuddly with you Reece might see it and then see Luke that way, and then wanna fuck him, then boom Luke's off our hands forever."

"This is stupid," Calum said, "I'm down for the fake dating because it'll be funny but like—wait yknow what, I'm just gonna fuck Luke and see if that makes him feel better." Calum stood up with a new mission in mind, "I'll see you tomorrow, tell Luke I love him because he's now my boyfriend"

Michael watched him walk away, "it's not a good idea!" He yelled.

Calum simply flipped him the bird.



they lowkey so so cute in this I hate myself hey remember toY BOY WHEN CAKE FUCKED

I have a date tomorrow

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