Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to My 9th Grade English Teacher. First it was an assignment. Now it's a book.

Chapter One

As I gazed out the window, I saw the sun rising out the horizon. Even though I was up early unlike any teenager on a Saturday morning, I enjoyed seeing the sunrise. It soothed me. It made me feel welcome into the world. It made me feel me for once. I was very lucky to wake up early because I saw a U-HAUL truck moving into the driveway right next door to me, with a blue SUV following. A man and woman came out the SUV looking to be about in their early to mid 20s. Out the back of the car, came out a young girl, about 7-8 years old.

"Jacklyn wake up your brother. We're finally here, thank God."

Jacklyn nodded her head and went back inside the car. Afterward, you heard a loud yawn from the car and a boy came out. His hair was a bit scruffy. He yawned once more but letting out almost a growl.

"Alex stop being so lazy and help your father with the bags." his mother scolded at him. I don't know what he said under his breath but it sure made his mother give him the meanest look I've ever seen.

"Kaiya come down for breakfast!"

I snapped out my observations of the family and noticed I have been staring at this family for almost 20 minutes. It's 7:20. The sun rose at exactly 6:59.

I also noticed that I wasn't the only one that heard my mother's loud voice. Alex looked up towards my window with squinting eyes. I crouched down in the nick of time but bounced my head on the window pane.

"Got dang it." I admonished myself. That was loud enough for the family outside to hear. Not only have I embarrassed myself, I have just shown them that I was creeping at them and I'm the most lousy loser one can meet.

I peeked out the window and saw Alex still looking at the window. He gave me a brief nod, smiled, and went back to the U-HAUL truck.

"Kaiya!! I said time for breakfast!!"

"OK Mom. I'm coming!" I looked at the window again but only the U-HAUL workers were outside loading the last of the boxes in the house. I noticed that the wind was blowing way stronger than it was before, and the sun was hidden behind some clouds even though it was broad daylight a few minutes ago. Huh. Weird.

I went downstairs to see my mom looking out the kitchen window also observing the new family. I cleared my throat letting her know that I entered the kitchen. She jumped, turned around, and blushed at me.

"Oh. Kaiya. Didn't see you there. Anyways, breakfast's on the table, dinner is already pre-cooked, and I made some cookies for the next door neighbors. I got work to do. I'll be home late so don't try staying up for me." As the last word escaped her mouth, she was already out the door running towards the bus stop.

I sighed. It seemed that every day she was getting further and further away from me, even though we're in the same room. Her work has been taking over her life, but that's one thing I cannot control in my life. Like the other aspects of my life....sigh.


"It's 5:00 p.m. Do you know where your children are?" the t.v. asked me.

"I don't have children. I'll be surprised if I'll have children. I'm forever alone. Remember that Kaiya. Hashtag Forever Alone. Just alone in the house eating pre-cooked dinner, and cookies are on the table....

OH MY GOD. The cookies."

I put on Skully, my favorite slippers, took the cookies, and rushed next door. And as soon as I was about to knock on the door, it opened, thus leading me to almost fall into their house and drop the cookies. Luckily they were in a case, and Alex caught me before my face hit the floor.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...I mean...I'm just....I'm very clumsy."

"Nah. Don't worry. It's cool. So I'm guessing the cookies are for me?"

"Well no. It's for the whole family...I mean if they like cookies. Um..yeah. name is Alex. Correct?" I tried to be comfortable, but I knew I was getting more and more awkward every time I said a word.

He laughed a soft laugh.

"Don't worry, they like cookies. They're not here though. They went shopping. And yeah. My name is Alex. And your name is Kaiya right? I heard it when your mom called you for breakfast this morning, and you were looking out the window."

I blushed and starting to clench my fists so my nails buried into them. A bad habit I do when I'm nervous.

"So you wanna come in? It's kinda cool tonight."

I shuffled my feet. "I actually have to go back home, But it was nice meeting you."

I half walked-half ran back to my house. I looked back to see him still in his doorway. I half-waved at him and entered my house. I put my back against the door,

"Holy Jesus he is hot."

I went into the kitchen where I can see the window of the next door's kitchen. Alex was in there putting away cups and plates. It seem that he sensed me staring at me because he turned around. I took a random cup and started watching it, trying to act like I was washing dishes. I looked up with my eyes and saw he was smiling. I looked up fully and returned a smirk. I then left the kitchen to go into my room.

I went straight to my desk and took out my journal. I wrote:

So new hot guy today. Seems interested in me. But c'mon look at me. Why be interested into THIS? When I'm not even interesting. Fate works in numerous ways. Hopefully this time it'll be good.

❤ Kaiya

I have been writing in this journal ever since I've entered 8th grade two years ago. Now I'm a sophomore. Although I'm outgoing, it doesn't mean I don't have things that need to be kept to myself. I have a lot to write down in that book of mine. From the end of the middle school, into the depths of high school I've been writing everything I have seen and felt. From the first friends of high school, to the first cutest guys. I wouldn't say I'm popular in my sophomore class, but my closest friends say I talk to everyone, making myself known.

I just thought I was being friendly and being myself.

I put my journal away and wait by the window for the sun to set and for my mom to come home. The hot summer breeze hit my face. As the sun started to set in the west, the stars of the night were starting to come alive. Each inch the sun moved, the stars seem to burst out one by one.

I look at the clock. 7:58.

I looked out the window again to see the no more of the sun. I look down to see Alex coming to my door...

Woah what?

I run downstairs bumping my ankle into the staircase. I limp to the front door and open it. He looked surprised to see me. I mean I did open it before he even rang the doorbell. Ugh. Stupid of me.


"I was at the window and I saw you coming, so I opened it." I cleared my throat. "So like was something wrong with the cookies?"

He laughed. His laugh is so cute.

"No. They were fine. It's just my mom wanted me to come over and tell you thank you from the whole family."

"Really?" I said with a confused look. I didn't even see them go into the house. "They're here?"

He laughed again. One more time and I swear I will melt.

"Yeah. I didn't come here alone..."

"Of course. Well thanks for the compliment. My mom made them."

He waved bye at me and smiled. Oh Jesus Christ help me. I smiled one of my awkward smiles and closed the door. I ran to the living room window. Their car was in the driveway. But how is that possible? I looked out the window the whole time. NO ONE went in the house nor did I hear any car pass by.

Huh. Weird. Again.

*Can this be fate for Kaiya? Will so called forever alone Kaiya not be forever alone anymore? Well keep on reading cause I ain't telling you. Vote and Comment please. Peace and Love*

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