Travel part 7

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After spending the whole day at home, me and Grayson had sent multiple texts back and forward.

-Grayson: wait so konikoni is pig right?

-Y/n: Yes Grayson :)

-Grayson: Okay, because I'm trying to educate Ethan and I was going to use google translate but thought 'hey why not ask my Maori friend'

I began to laugh at how he called me his 'Maori friend' I had to admit some of the stuff he says is adorable sometimes.

-Y/N: So what's your plans for today?

-Grayson: Well I'm going over to James, to film a YouTube video with Emma, Ethan and him :)

-Y/N: That's cool, should stop in sometime.

-Grayson: Actually I might, if you don't mind ;)

-Y/N: not at all, I might head into the city though to get some supplies

Realising I needed to restock on food and a few blankets because lately Aaliyah has been spending a lot of time over here and they always sleep in the lounge.
Billie always complains that we don't have enough blankets.

-Y/N: just text me when your going to come over :)

-Grayson: I will x

Heading into town I had finished the grocery shop and started heading to target. Apparently it was like Kmart but basically bigger.
As I walked in i saw a few fluffy blankets and thought I might as well buy them.
Heading to the checkout I saw loads of girls surrounding the entrance of the store, screaming and crying. They were saying someone's name but I couldn't quite pick out who's it was.
After finishing off paying I started to head out the store trying to get around the screaming crowd of girls.

"Y/n.... Y/N!!!!!" I heard someone yelling my name. Turning around and catching a sight of Grayson running towards me. Motioning me to run!
I began to run to my car as i heard footsteps running behind me, making my way to the car I jumped into the drivers seat as I watched the passenger door swing open.

"Gosh" Grayson said as he slam the door shut, trying to hid himself from the girls but now they had surrounded the car.
"Drive... DRIV-"

"WHERE!" I yelled as I reversed the car out as screaming girls continued to surround the car.

"Your place" he said as I began to drive off.
We had made it around the corner and far away from target where the girls had surrounded us.

"What were you doing back there? I thought you were going to James?" I said as I started to pull down my Avenue.

"I was but they dropped me off here to grab some supplies but left me there, loads of girls caught sight of me as I was about to pay for my stuff but in the end I had tried to run out but got bombarded" he said as he was trying to catch his breath back.

"Well maybe next time go with your brother or even better idea don't go and just order it online" I said as I pulled into my driveway. Heading out of the car I began to grab the bags of grocery and take them inside.

Looking behind me as I placed the bags on the bench, Grayson had helped carry them in.

"Thanks" I said as he brought the last bag in.

"Your welcome" he placed the bag onto the ground.

"So I mean since your here want to watch a movie or something?" I asked as I started putting the groceries away.

"Sure, I'll go pick a movie"

"You do that, I'll make some popcorn" I said as I finished packing the last of the groceries before doing the popcorn.

Travel // Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now