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I wake up and look outside of my window. Demons are gathered outside in pure daylight. Why...?

I go over to my window and look closer. These demons feel... different. On a mind level. They seem... smarter, because their not trying to get in. Most demons would try to get in.

I close my blinds and open my door, going downstairs. I quickly look around before I do anything.

But even with looking around, nothing prepares me for this.

I pull out a box of cereal from the pantry when I hear some footsteps. They stop in the doorway.

I turn around and drop the cereal.

Shiriama...? How? How is she here?

I move my hand up and light it so there's fire in it, but Shiriama just laughs.

"You think fire is going to hurt me?" she asks. I increase the fire, making it swirl around me.

"What are you doing? Why are you here?" I demand.

"Oh, I'm just here to get a suitable body for what I need to do..." she says, smirking. "And I believe that you have the perfect body." She goes transparent and shoots right toward me.

I scream when she enters my body and I feel her fight for dominance.

And win.


Quick note: This will be from Eyeless Jack's POV until I say its switched. K on with the story!

Eyeless Jack's POV

I go toward Eternity's house, and I climb into her house through her downstairs windows. I go up to her room but she isn't there. I go downstairs and she's just laying on the floor in the kitchen.

I race over to her and shake her. "Eternity?"

She lets out a groan and sits up, rubbing her head. "What?"

"Are you okay?" I ask, helping her up.

"Yeah, yeah," she says. Then she looks straight at me and smirks. "Never better."

I take a few steps away from her. "You okay, Eternity?"

"I'm awesome!" she says, laughing. She spins around and stops, looking at me. "But I'm not Eternity."

"Who are you, then?" I ask, feeling a deep dread in my gut. My feelings are much more present now that Eternity's in my life... why?

"I'm Shiriama!" she says. She winks at me and holds up her hand, where things start zapping everywhere. "Oh, I'm gunna have so much fun..."

"What have you done with Eternity?" I demand.

"Oh, she's fine," says Shiriama, waving her hand. "I just shoved her out of her body. Well, ta ta! I have to go and gather souls for Alois!" She fades from view in a second.

I sit there, shocked, for at least three hours. I feel... hurt. Dead inside. I don't understand it.

I look down and notice a paper on the table. I pick it up and read it, then go running into the forest.

The paper read, Help.

I'm sure its Eternity.

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