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violet sighed as she reached in her pocket and her fingers grazed nothing, remembering her phone was at pattie's.

"what's the time?" she called out.

"its early." pattie said, turning back to face the shorter girl. "thaaanks." violet rolled her eyes, lightly kicking the ground as she looked down.

if it was hard being a third wheel, it was impossible to be a fourth wheel.

paul fit himself into pattie and george's conversations rather easily. it's like they were meant to be a trio.

violet was starting to feel stupid for hanging back and letting her friends have a whole discourse without her, she was practically making herself lonely at this point.

she sucked in a breath of air, looking up to see only the backs of george and pattie. her mouth opened slightly in confusion when a hand gripped her shoulder. she turned around to meet the playful eyes of paul.

"catch up much?" his mouth in a small smile, motioning to her and the two in front.

she shrugged, trying to play cool as her eyes fixated on george's shoulder blades. "same could be said for you, kid."

"after that last ride, my legs feel like jelly, just trying to regain composure." paul defended, "that and my heart was pounding the whole time. i need a break from those two speedwalkers over there."

violet shook her head, "i don't even want to think about that ride! who starts the day off with a horror ride anyway?"

not only was it the scariest thing she's ever experienced, you had to move the cart by pedaling. as inactive as she was, it was hard to keep her heart at a normal rate if the ride was scary or not, her legs hadnt been through that much in years.

paul sheepishly placed his hand on the back of his head, "sorry about that, it looked real fun and i wanted to go before lines got long."

violet waved it off, "i'll get over it soon, it's whatever."

he gave her a small nod, seemingly more comfortable with her company now, " 'fraid im quite weak hearted, these days as well... im really losing my edge."

violet rolled her eyes with a grin tugging at her lips, "at least we aren't as weak hearted as the ride made george."

her dark eyes looked back to said boy, not noticing the longing grin that danced on her lips.

"oh." paul said close to a whisper, causing violet to direct her gaze towards paul. the hazel color that seemed so bright before toned down to a solemn dark brown.

"you're looking at him, too?" he lowered his head, scratching his nape slightly before looked back to violet, "am i right?"

violet, on instinct, coughed and shook her head violently. "dude- no! you're getting this all wrong!" she cleared her throat, "im not, really." 

she heard a laugh come from him, a sorrowful short laugh. she turned to him once again, he looked from her to what was ahead, shoving his hands into his pockets.


maybe paul didn't fit into the equation as well as violet had thought.

four walls ☾ george harrisonWhere stories live. Discover now