chapter 2 - Showmance

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Day One

Morning - McKinley High School - Parking Lot

Will pulled up to the school. His license plate read: Glee. He got out of the car, walking toward the school. Sara and Ricky walked up to him.

"Hey, Dad," Ricky told him.

Will smiled. "Ricky, Sara, hey."

"I went to the library and I got some sheet music and I wanted to run some songs by you," Ricky told him.

"Thanks, Ricky, but I already got one picked out for today," Will told him.

"Well, at least we're still doing this together," Sara told them.

They smiled.

Monica was walking by, accidentally dropping her bag.

Ricky helped Monica pick up her stuff. "Let me help you with that."

"Thanks, Ricky," Monica told him. "You're so chivalrous."

Ricky smiled. "Thanks."

Will and Sara were still walking, meeting up with the rest of the Glee kids, as Ricky and Monica followed.

"Morning, guys," Sara told them.

"Hey, Mr. Schue," Artie told him. "Hey, Mrs. Sylvester. We're just learning some runs."

"Oh, yeah," Cameron agreed.

"So it goes..." Caleb trailed off, vocalizing.

The others also vocalized.

"With the finger, huh?" Will asked.

"Pretty fly for a white guy," Mercedes complimented.

Will chuckled. "Oh, thank you, thank you."

Sara smiled. "Hey, don't be late for rehearsal this afternoon. Ashley, Annika, if you two and Kurt want to invite Aviva, Claire, Kate, Christina and Carter for after school sessions again, that's fine."

"Thanks, Mrs. S," Annika told her. "We'll be there. And we'll talk to the youngers."

Connor nodded. "Okay. All right."

Puck, Kurt and five jocks were standing in front of the dumpster. Puck had his arm around Kurt.

"Morning, Kurt," Sara told him.

"Buenos nachos, Mrs. Sylvester," Puck told her.

Kurt watched the teachers pass with apprehension.

Will chuckled. "Hey, let's go, Titans."

The teachers left.

Puck turned to Kurt. "Yeah. Come on."

"Wait," Kurt told him, throwing his bag into the arms of a jock. "One day, you will all work for me."

Puck and another student lifted Kurt, tossing him into the dumpster.


Liam was walking down the balcony, talking to a student. "Diana, thank you so much for that apple. It was very, very nice of you, all right?" Emma stood at the top of the stairs, looking at her watch, rounding the corner, approaching Liam as he walked toward her with his head down, making them collide. "Oh!"

Worlds Colliding (Glee) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now