chapter 4 - Preggers

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Day One

Day - Hummel House - Basement

(Song:) Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It) - Beyonce

Kurt selected the song, putting it on. He was in all black. Claire, Aviva, Kate and Christina were in black leotards as well, wearing high heels, as they were all dancing to the song, being recorded. Claire and Aviva were always on one side of Kurt, while Kate and Christina were on the other side, all of them doing the dance in sync, their feet shoulder width apart, putting their right hands on their hips, holding their left arms out to the side, bent at the elbow and wrist like the spout of a teapot, leaning to the right, pushing their right shoulder forward a little bit while they brushed the air with their left hand, shifting their body to the left, dropping their left arm to their side. They moved from right to left for the first eight counts, shifting on the balls of their feet and moving their hips to the beat, brushing with their left hand every other movement, and when they weren't brushing, their arm remained relaxed and at their side. The second eight counts of the dance was almost exactly the same as the first set, but this time they added a kick with their right leg to their right side, with their right hip out and their left arm bent at the elbow and wrist, rolling their upper body and planting their right foot behind them, taking two small steps, quickly taking a small step forward with their left foot, kicking out with their left foot, throwing their hands in the air, bringing their right foot down, placing their hands on their hips, taking a small step forward with their left foot, keeping a slight bend in their left knee, shaking their hips while keeping their hands on their hips and their left leg slightly bent, shaking their hips to the beat. They bent their left leg in, then back out, pointing their knee to the right of their bodies, kicking their left leg out in front of them, bringing it back down, taking a step with their right foot and twisted their body to the right, taking another step with their left foot, and put their left arms up, leaning down into a dip, standing back up, leading with their head. Kurt was mouthing along to the song, as Kate, Aviva, Christina and Claire knelt down on either side of Kurt. Kurt pointed out toward the camera, shaking his head. Kate, Aviva, Christina and Claire stood. Kurt brushed back a piece of his hair. They all stepped back and forth while holding their arms out on either side of their head bent at the elbow like they were flexing muscles, and each step they closed their arms to touch their elbows in front of their faces, before they all held up their left hands and pointed at their fingers on "Put a ring on it". They turned to the right, running a hand through their hair with one hand and using the other to pat their butt. They faced forward, right hand on hip, left hand raised and waving their hand back and forth, flipping it from side to side as they moved their head from side to side as well. Kate, Aviva, Christina and Claire turned around, circling around Kurt as they danced, strutting confidently and sassily with their hands on their hips and their elbows pointed back, until they were back where they started, kicking out with their left legs, spinning around to the back, throwing their hands in the air, shaking their hips to the beat. Kurt and the girls did an iconic pump walk, facing the left, putting their left hands out in front of them in the same "teapot" pose as it was in the beginning, taking a few steps to the beat, turning around to face the right, putting their arms in front of them and pointing them down toward the floor, and as they stepped, they thrust them back and forth to the beat, all their movements showing attitude, strong and feminine.

Burt Hummel suddenly arrived home, turning off the music.

(Song Ends)

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